Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, new goals, new "after" pics!

The new year is off to a great start! I finally broke through the weight loss plateau that started around Halloween (not that I was eating much candy with chocolate off limits!). I can't believe I actually LOST weight during the holidays though - that is certainly a first. I can't see too much of a change between the most recent 2 sets of pics, but I can definitely see changes in the mirror. I see a lot more muscle definition in my arms, shoulders, chest, and back, so I've definitely still be leaning out and maybe putting on a little more muscle. And I have ribs! Although the rate of weight loss has definitely slowed down, so long as I'm still on the right path, I'm ok with that. They say that the more slowly it comes off, the more likely it is to stay off, and I like the sound of that.


This month, I'm trying to get back to cleaner Paleo eating, and stop eating quite as much fruit and processed foods/baked goods. I've begun adding an egg protein-based shake directly after my WODs to help with recovery since it's often a couple hours before I have breakfast. I just mix it with 7 oz of rice milk and a little coconut milk in a shaker cup, and it's very tasty! When I want a treat, I'll add some frozen bananas, chocolate baking powder, a little coconut sugar, and ice, and throw it in the blender.

I'm planning to do another Whole30 Challenge starting 2/2 (have 4 social events before then that I'd like to enjoy, including our CrossFit holiday party!). Another member of CrossFit box is interested in doing it too, so we might make a group for other people who want to participate with us so we can chat about it. I have a feeling my functional practitioner is going to want me to make it the strict RepairVite again. Ugh. Don't want to lose my nightshades again.

I was so excited to welcome my sister to CrossFit! I'd given her a 30-day Groupon deal for her birthday in November, but at that time, she was still participating in the Lost to Win group training program at the YMCA. It wrapped up in December, so now she's joining me at CrossFit for a month. The other day, Brian, Amy, and I all got to do a little family WOD all together, which was so fun!

I was also super psyched to reach one of my goals already - climbing to the top of the rope! The rope climb has been haunting me ever since elementary school gym class. I could never do it there, and always felt inferior because of it. Well, it took 30 years, but I did it!

My goals for 2014:

  • Lose 20 pounds of fat
  • Gain muscle
  • Do my first strict pull-up (and maybe even try kipping)
  • Climb rope - check!

IMG_0925Making this recipe for dinner tonight. Looks DELICIOUS.

Also making some more roasted seeds. I've found that pretty much any seed is tasty - been roasting spaghetti squash butternut squash lately since we've been eating so much of it. Great salty/crunchy snack!