Sunday, May 18, 2014

Huge 5k progress in a year!

May 2013 vs May 2014
It's been a full year now since I ran my very first race in May 2013: the Ten Penny Shamrock 3.3 miler. Since I was NEVER a runner my entire life, I remember being so proud of myself that day, particularly that I was able to jog the entire time and never had to stop to walk (except for a quick water break here and there). A couple months earlier, I didn't think that was possible! But my sister's trainer convinced her to try it, and she asked me to come too, so I jumped in. That race marked the beginning of a little addition to races, and I did 4 other 5Ks after it last year, improving my time slightly each time. I also incorporated a lot of jogging into my workout routine (lots of 5K jogs around the neighborhood, and even on 2 vacations!), so I was really getting into a running mode. All that stopped when I started CrossFit in September though! 

On May 18th, I ran the same Ten Penny Shamrock 3.3 miler course again so that I could see just how much I've improved in a year, and I am so pleased with the results! I beat last year's time by 6:20! That's huge! I took off almost 2 mins/mile! I was particularly pleased since I haven't run more than a mile straight since my last 5K in October (where I averaged ~11:50/mile). But I've definitely been strengthening my endurance in CrossFit WODs.
2013: 40:56 (~12:40 mile)
2014: 34:36 (~10:48/mile)

I weighed 214 when I ran the race in 2013, and was about 187 this time. So that's "only" a 27 pound difference, but I know my body composition is so much different now than it was then - so much stronger, thanks to CrossFit. And I think my cardio system has improved too - although my heart rate was up, I was able to carry on conversations with some fellow runners into the 3rd mile. CrossFit is doing amazing things for me.

Although we have signed up for some obstacle courses this year and a couple 5K fun runs, I don't really feel that compelled to sign up for lots of timed 5Ks like I did last year. I'd rather focus on CrossFit and the CrossFit throwdowns (like No Baby, Leave the Socks On coming up in July!). Maybe I'll try one more 5K at the end of the year - perhaps repeat the Y's 5K Spooktacular on the same course to see how that time improves from last October. And hopefully, I'll have dropped a few more pounds and gotten even stronger by then!

However, I do plan to run the  Ten Penny Shamrock 3.3 miler again in 2015. Goal: sub-10-minute miles! 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Team Human Cone kicks off 2014 with our third FitAthlon

Team Human Cone has big plans for 2014. We have 6 events planned (in orange below). And I have another 5 events (mostly CrossFit). Busy year! Love these challenges! 

Unfortunately, our first event, Color Me Rad, got rained out (well, for Team Human Cone, anyway). The event still went forward, but we opted not to do it in 45-degree rain because that just didn't sound like fun (lesson learned - don't sign up for races in April). So, since I wasn't running a 5K, I decided to go to CrossFit and do that WOD...which included running 1.5 miles in the rain (some of which while carrying 2 53# kettle bells!). Couldn't win!!! But now I feel silly wearing the Color Me Rad t-shirt I picked up... However, we then signed up for the Color in Motion 5K on 6/14 (same idea). So we'll get our color run in after all.

So, Team Human Cone reunited at FitAthlon as our first event, albeit a much smaller team than last year. One teammate was sick, and 2 others decided they were done with FitAthlons after last year's event. So, it was just the 3 of us this time.

This year, we decided to up the ante and signed up for the Challenger division. It wasn't too much different from the Beginner division that we did the first two times last year - just added a couple more rounds of push ups/sprint/burpees at the start and a little more distance to things like the lunge walk. Our team ended up in different heats since we arrived a little late. Brian and I ended up in a heat of only 5 people after our teammate's heat, which was a little silly. And I really felt like a dork when I was the last one on the field finishing up my final round of push ups/sprint/burpees while everyone was cheering me on. Oh well, I know I was doing the movements with proper CrossFit form, which takes a little longer.  

O M G, THE LUNGE WALK. It HAD to be a lot longer than previous years. It had to be at least 300 meters, and, as Challengers, we had to do an extra 20 yards or so. Brian and I both started the walk doing proper lunges - hands behind head, and knees fully to the ground. Our legs were burning after a while, so we had to take breaks after seats of 10 or so. But we slowly made progress. One of the volunteers even complimented us on our form. But soon the next wave of Beginners started catching up to us, mainly because the majority of them were doing some of the most pathetic lunges possible. More like just walking with a little dip. I stuck with my good form for about 3/5ths, and then I figured, if you can't beat them, join them. Even still, my legs were wasted from so many good lunges already that I was still slow. At this point, I envied the decision the other Cones made to skip FitAthlon this year!!!

I definitely felt stronger in a few of the events due to all of my CrossFitting. The tire flips were a breeze, as were the backpedaling chain pulls thanks to my better grip strength. And I found the rope slams to be really easy, and then I noticed that I was subconsciously really driving the motion with my hips to use more power (definitely Oly lifting experience at work there!). Climbing the 10 ft walls with ropes was a breeze too, although the fact that they were nice and dry helped a lot there too. I still wussed out on the 5' walls though - instead of trying to just launch myself over, I still used the little steps. But I definitely got over them more easily since I didn't end up with the huge bruises on my legs that I had in previous years. And, I did a lot more jogging between obstacles, so my endurance was definitely better. 

The highlight of my day was that I actually did the monkey bars!!! The volunteer there said he would help me, to which I replied, "You mean like I help my kids?!!!" Well, I wasn't about to let him do that! So, I did it all by myself! Woo hoo!!!  And at the end, I still had enough in the tank to do a really good sprint to the finish line (I even heard someone say, "Whoa, look at that girl go!"). Very proud of those 2 accomplishments.

I ended up finishing in about 1 hour 25 minutes. Although somehow, I missed the ruck sack run. Oops. My watch said I burned about 1120 calories. Not bad for a morning's work. 

I knew while I was doing the lunge walk that it was going to hurt on Sunday. And I was definitely right... My quads and glutes were already getting a little stiff Saturday night, and were KILLING me by Sunday morning. Once I got moving though, they stretched out, and I was able to handle the WOD "Annie" which is 50-40-30-20-10 reps of alternating DUs and sit ups. And I even chased my son around the soccer field a little right afterward (but should have worn knee sleeve since that really hurt my left knee - the knee sleeves are really making a huge difference in supporting my knees). But after taking a nice nap with him in the afternoon, they were a mess. And continued to be a mess throughout Monday and into Tuesday. Ouch. Did some major growing!!!

Another CrossFit throw down in the books

Did the Festivus Throw Down on 4/19/14, and had a blast! It was so nice to have both Brian AND my sister Amy there competing together! Loved seeing them push themselves to the limit!

This was my 3rd throw down. Definitely  seeing improvement:
  • 10/19/13 - Festivus (Novice division - came in 26th out of 29)
  • 12/7/13 - No Baby, Leave the Stockings On (Scaled division - came in 40th out of 72)
  • 4/19/14 - Festivus (Intermediate division - came in 11th out of 22 - top half!)
The WODs:
  • WOD 1:
    • 1k row for time. 6 min cap
    • Once the running clock hits 6 minutes move on to WOD 2:
  • WOD 2
    • Athlete must establish a 1 Rep Max clean in 6 minutes.
    • This will be scored as 2 separate WODs. The athlete may rest as needed after finishing row before the 6 min mark. If an athlete does not finished the row in the 6 min they will be penalized :01 for every METER under 1k
  • WOD 3:
    • •10 KB swing 53# male/35# female (intermediate) and 35# male/26# female (novice)
    • •20 sit ups
    • •30 Box overs 24″ male/20″ female
    • •8 min AMRAP
    • Score is reps
  • WOD 4:
    • 2 minutes max wallball 20# male/14# female (intermediate) and 14# male/10# female (novice)
    • Rest 1 minute
    • 2 minutes max double unders (intermediate) and singles (novice)
    • Rest 1 minute
    • 2 minutes max burpees
    • Score is total combined reps from all 3 movements
I started off really strong since the first event was a 1K row for time. I'm a pretty decent rower, so I decided to go all out to see what I could do. I finished in 3:45. By the end of my heat (which was the 5th heat), I had the #1 row score - woo hoo!!! Then 2 girls in subsequent heats beat me by a few seconds, so I dropped into third. But I was pretty psyched about that while it lasted!

But I think I used a little too much gas in the row since I couldn't hit my current PR in the clean, which is 140#. In fact, I only got to 125#, which I was a bit bummed about. I tried 135# twice, and just barely failed the second time. A fellow boxmate asked to borrow my 2.5# plates, so I couldn't try for 130#, which I think I could have gotten. If I'd gotten to #130, I would have tied for 10th place (and landing in 9th because my row time was better). Oh well. My friend hit a new PR which is pretty awesome.

The box overs in the 3rd heat killed me. Although I was happy that I was able to do them at all since my left knee had been bugging me for a couple months. It was finally feeling decent enough to do these just a few days prior, and mostly thanks to the Rehband knee sleeves (these things are life savers!!!). One of my favorite coaches, Jill, was my judge, and she kept cheering me on to go faster, but I just couldn't. Maybe if I'd been able to practice the technique over the previous couple months... So got a pretty crappy score on that WOD (3rd to last). 

However, I was thrilled to watch my sister do WOD 3. She'd been having quite a hard time stepping onto a 20" box with her short legs and the amount of body she had to get up there. Since starting CrossFit 4 months prior, she'd been stepping onto piles of plates, slowly working her way up to 20". She'd just finally stepped up onto on 20" box a few days prior, but with a little help from a coach to catch her hands at the top. So, Coach Tim ("Mr. Festivus" himself) allowed her to step up onto a 20" stack of plates instead of the box (after he put the kibosh on her attempt to withdraw from the Games for fear of this very WOD). And she did! Again and again!!! It was definitely mind over matter. And the more times she did it, the more confident and faster she got! So many people were gathered around to cheer her on - it was awesome. Huge physical and mental progress for her!

In the 4th WOD, I was pretty happy with my wall balls (almost completely unbroken) and burpees (unbroken), but the DUs were not with me! So frustrating! I'd been practicing DUs quite a lot over the previous 2 months, and had gotten to the point where I'd hit 30+ unbroken a few times, and could consistently do runs in the teens. But they just weren't coming together. So, that dragged my score down a bit. 

So, in the end, that row really saved me in the rankings to get me into the top half (BARELY since I was tied 11th of 22, but just edged ahead since my row time was the tie breaker). I was really concerned about entering as a Intermediate instead of a Novice since I certainly don't meet all the Intermediate criteria (can't do pull-ups, can't deadlift 1.5x my body weight, just barely 6 months of CrossFitting, >10 min mile...). But, in the end, I think I was in the right division. I would have taken 1st in the first 2 WODs, and done really well in the 4th WOD doing single unders. The box overs still would have slowed me down a bit though. But I think I would have ended up in 2nd place, and feeling like I shouldn't have been there when most of the other girls I WOD with regularly were in the Intermediate division.

I really enjoyed watching my husband compete too. That was the part I really missed when I did the Stockings competition since it was only girls and he stayed home with the kids instead of coming with me. I liked sharing the day with him and watching him, and having him cheer me on too. And having my sister there made it even better! My Dad even stopped by, but he just missed our heats in the first 2 WODs, and didn't stick around log enough for the next WOD. Oh well. 

So, all in all, another great event. Looking forward to moving into the top quartile in my next event (Baby, Leave the Socks on in July!)