Friday, May 6, 2016

One month of keto down - progress!

It's been 4.5 weeks since I began eating very low carb/high fat/moderate protein, and it's working! My body has been slow to give up the pounds, but it's happening slowly. I had about 3 weeks where I bounced back up a little, and just finally, in the last 2 days, I dropped down another 1.5# to 197.5. However, I'm seeing big changes in my body! Muffintop is gone, tummy is shrinking, arms and legs are leaning out a bit...had to buy smaller undies since my old ones were getting too big and giving me wedgies! ;) 

I'm also finding that I think my body is finally adapting to running in ketosis. My stamina was completely shot in WODs while I was cutting on Eat to Perform, and the first couple weeks of keto. But the last couple WODs have felt better. I think my body has remembered that there's plenty of fuel to burn if it just looks around a little!

Two of my friends from work, with whom I've run a couple 5Ks and obstacle course races, convinced me to do the unthinkable...register for a half marathon in January 2017! YIKES! Of course, I will admit that part of the draw is that it is at Disney World for a Girls' Weekend. One of the girls has a week at the Old Key West resort to use, so I'm looking forward to staying on Disney property for the first time, but I have to EARN that fun! Although, worse case scenario, I can still finish the race within the 3.5 hour time limit even if I just have to walk at a pace of 3.8 mph, which is certainly doable. But I think I can do a little better than that.

So, I found a 20-week Couch to Half Marathon training plan and got moving. I took the first 3 runs a couple weeks ago, and much to my chagrin, the old issue with my left knee started cropping up again, after being fine all winter. The same thing happened last spring - I started running, and after a few runs, it started bugging me enough that I stopped since rest seems to be the only thing that makes it go away. Except for a couple CrossFit classes, I've rested for a week since I went away to a conference last week (with one very NOT keto evening of delicious gin & tonics), and I'm trying to tape it to see if that helps at all. So we'll see how it goes after a run today. 

I did a consultation with one of the trainers from my old YMCA who is an avid runner to see if she could give me any pointers. She is betting that I have poor glute engagement, and she is probably right (I know they aren't engaged nearly as much as they should be when I squat)! And she also pointed out some definitely flexibility issues. So, she gave me a plan of exercises and stretches to do that should help. I also set a goal for myself to be able to sit back on my feet - my legs quads don't let me do that currently (it REALLY pulls at my knees when I try). So I have some running and mobility goals to focus on right now while I keto on!