Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 15 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut & Results of Cyrex Array 4 Sensitivity Test

Today was an interesting day. It did have the positive note of losing another half pound though, for a total of 12.5 in 14 days. Brian also succumbed to the scale today, and found that he was also down 12. Wow. There's a lot less bloating around here! Then things got more interesting.

My daughter asked me to sleep out in our camper again as our last farewell-to-summer night. So, I did, and woke up at 3, and couldn't sleep for hours. I was debating just getting up and getting to the gym for 5am, but I felt bad abandoning my daughter in the camper.  So, not sure when I finally did fall asleep since my phone died and I had no other clock, but Brian woke me up out of a sound sleep at 7:30 since he had to go work.

So, I planned to hit the gym in the afternoon once the cable guy finished switching our service over. Around noon, I gathered up the kids and promised I'd bring them swimming if they were good in the daycare room while I worked out. But, much to my chagrin, the wellness center was closed for annual maintenance, so no workout for me! Very glad I didn't get there for 5am to find that out though! Ugh. So, just swimming today (well, they swam, I just walked around and made sure they  didn't drown). It was a crappy day out, so I didn't try to do a workout at home (not that I had time anyway since I started making dinner as soon as I got home). So, that's the end of my Making the Cut streak. Although I was planning to break the streak on Thurs anyway since I'll be doing the FitAthlon on Saturday and need to give my legs a rest for that. I'm going to need to be fresh as can be for that grueling event! can you say "LUNGE LAP?!" I may try to do a home workout Tuesday and Wednesday mornings though.

The results are in! So many sensitivities!!!
I had an appointment with my chiropractor today, and got some interesting news. He was shocked that I lost 12.5 pounds in 14 days, and said that makes it incredibly evident that I had some pretty serious inflammation going on. He emphasized that that's ONE AND A HALF GALLONS of water that I was retaining - not good! Then he gave me the results of the Cyrex Array 4 – Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity test that I had done a couple weeks ago, which explained a bit. Having an issue with gluten was a given - I'm not surprised about this after reading Wheat Belly - I think most people have issues with it! There are 5 tests for various types of milk, and I scored out of range (or close to it) for 4 of them, meaning I have sensitivities to most milk elements. So, no more ice cream for me. :( When both of my kids were born, they both had dairy intolerance (manifested by blood in their stool), so I removed dairy from my diet for almost a year apiece while nursing until they outgrew their intolerance (although now, based on my results, I wonder if it actually still does bother them). And I'm not gonna lie - I missed cheesy pizza and ice cream! I also showed intolerance for coffee (which I don't drink, so no problem there), amaranth (a wheat substitute), tapioca (often used as another wheat substitute) and sesame. However, very thankful that I don't have any issues with soy, corn, yeast, rice, or eggs! Very much looking forward to getting them back into my diet after the RepairVite challenge is over!

He kind of yelled at me when I said I've been eating so little, even though I swear that I'm satiated at every meal, and just don't have the constant hunger and cravings that I used to. So he advised me to eat a little something every 2 hours, preferably some protein, but just some fruit if that's the best I can do. He's concerned about the low blood sugar reading on my blood work, and also that eating too little can slow my metabolism down. He also kind of yelled at me for tracking calories since he said I should not be focusing on that, so it was a waste of my time. I'm still curious though. But I may stop now that I've seen 2 weeks' worth of stats. One less thing to do. He wants me to take a saliva test to test my cortisol and adrenal functions to see if that could explain my sleep troubles (taking a while to fall asleep and waking at 2:30 most nights) - that's another $125 - man, this stuff is adding up! It is nice to get some answers though.Then he gave me some more supplements today, and I restocked my RepairVite and Strenthia:
  • Omega 3 fish oil (liquid for better absorption) 2x/day
  • Vitamin D - 2 drops 1x/day
  • X-FLM - 2x/day (antioxidants and thyroid support) - this was also prescribed as a result of my reaction to the X-Viromin

Food: ? calories 
  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • leftover coconut chicken (finally finished it off!)
    • baby carrots
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • Didn't really snack today, although I was hungry while making dinner...should have had a snack around 4:30


  • Foiled attempt at Day 15 of Making the Cut :(
  • 4100 steps. Ugh.

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