Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 11 of ClearVite Protocol

I am SO sick of smoothies. And I think the lack of calories this week is making my angry. I have no patience for the kids when they're bugging me lately. Need to get back to a "normal" diet (well, my new Paleo version of normal).

Went to the farmer's market today to get some veggies and saw a stand that said "gluten-free" so had to check it out. It had all vegan baked goods, but everything had almond flour except one thing: a pumpkin muffin. After confirming that it didn't have tapioca flour either, I bought one. And it was yummy! Every bit as tasty as the pumpkin muffins at Dunkin Donuts. I'm sure I probably should not have eaten it since it surely had ingredients that I shouldn't have on the ClearVite program (eggs, at the very least), but I've been very grumpy and needed a little pick me up. We also saw a flyer to buy a 1/4 of a grassfed cow from a local farm - we may look into doing that since the cost seemed to work out to be less than what we've been paying... 

Since our CrossFit was still closed due to the big competition they're hosting, I went over to the Y today for the first time in a few weeks. I decided I'd try to do some of the WODs that comprise the Festivus Games, which is another CrossFit competition that our box is hosting, but scaled back just for novices and intermediate people. I love the idea of doing it, but it's only 2 weeks away, so I would definitely be a novice! I'm toying with the idea of entering, but only if I know I can do it. The 3 WODs are below. Today, I tried the 3rd one with 95# and did it in well under 9 minutes, so I feel ok there. And I can do the first WOD - it will just be interesting to see how heavy I can lift (I only tried 55# today since I'm still working on form). However, I'm scared about all the burpees in the second WOD. I tried doing 15 burpee box step ups to see how long it took, and it took almost 2 minutes. I really don't know if I can do that WOD in under 7 minutes. I'll have to try that one at the Y again and learn how to speed up my burpees. 

  • 10 bars of ascending weights; intermediate M/F 95#-185/65#-155 or novice 65#-155/35#-125 
  • After the athlete has made their final attempt at a weight (successful or not) you may perform maximum DOUBLE UNDERS (intermediates) or SINGLE UNDERS (beginner)
    • This event will run as an Every Minute On the Minute(EMOM). With the bar starting on the ground the athlete will clean the bar, reach a full depth squat and then press the bar overhead. The rep is complete when the elbow, hips and knees are fully locked out. A squat clean is acceptable. The athlete may make as many attempts as possible until the clock hits the top of the next minute. The rep must be complete before time is up 
  • 21 Calorie row
  • 15 Burpee box jump M/F 24in./20(intermediate) or Burpee step-up 24in./20(novice)
  • 9 Cleans M/F 135#/95(intermediate) or 95#/65(novice)
  • 15 Burpee box jump
  • 21 Calorie row
    • ***7 minute time cap
    • *This event will begin with the athletes sitting on his/her rower. Feet may be strapped in. Hands must be off the handle. The damper may be set to athlete preference
    • *Burpee box jump standard-The chest must make contact with the floor then the athlete must jump/step-up and show control on top of the box with full hip and knee lock out
    • *Clean standard-The bar must leave the ground each rep and be caught in the front rack position with the hips and knees locked out and the elbows in front of the bar. The clean may be a power, squat or split
  • 15 Deadlifts M/F 225#/135 (intermediate) or 135#/95 (novice)
  • 800m run
  • 15 Deadlifts
    • ***10 min time cap
    • *The athlete will begin from a standing position in front of his/her bar
    • *Deadlift standard-Each rep must come from the ground and must reach full lock out with the knees and hips with the shoulders behind the bar.
We rode our bikes over to the CrossFit Beast of the East Games today to check out the athletes. Wow. It was amazing to be mingling with these incredibly fit people with crazy physiques. Definitely makes you want to set some goals! We got there just at the end of a round of kipping pull-ups - man, those look exhausting. Then we saw some women do really heavy squats. Whew. Would have liked to stay longer, but the kids were restless. Might go back tomorrow since my Dad wants to check it out. Brian bought the cutest shirt for my daughter when he went to the games yesterday, and she insisted that we get a matching one for her brother today. So my son's shirt says "YOUR DAD; MY DAD." Funny, in an obnoxious way. ;)

I had my book club tonight - my second book club with no drinks for me!!! Travesty!!! Again, the hostess made all kinds of delicious looking food that I couldn't have, but I stopped at the store on the way over to ensure I had something to eat (after chugging my shake in the car on the way there). I meant to make some guac but ran out of time, so I picked some up (even though it contained small amounts of illegal tomatillo and jalapeno). I got some baby carrots for dipping, but really wanted some chips. I spied Beanitos chips, which were very tasty, and not terribly illegal since they're mainly black beans and rice, and not even cooked in soybean oil. Still had a fun night without the aid of alcohol.


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and strawberries
  • Lunch:
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, pumpkin, and bananas
  • Dinner:
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, coconut milk, cocoa powder, dash of coconut sugar, and bananas 
  • Snacks:
    • 1/2 a pumpkin muffin from the farmer's market that was gluten-free, dairy-free, and all my other allergens-free with some Earth Balance spread
    • guac with baby carrots and Beanitos chips
  • Did my own bits and pieces of a CrossFit workout - 45 mins; 515 cals
  • Bike ride to and from the Beast of the East games (about 25 minutes of riding)

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