Monday, November 10, 2014

Reflecting on my first year of CrossFit + Paleo(ish) diet

A year has come and gone since I started this journey... It's been 15 months since I cut gluten, dairy, and most processed foods of my diet. And it's been almost 14 months since first I walked into a CrossFit box.  And I've never looked back. 

The photos say it all. At 39 years old, I am the healthiest I've ever been in my life. Adhering to a mostly Paleo diet (with some corn, soy, sugar, and booze sneaking in here and there) has rescued my body from a constant state of inflammation and fixed my sluggish thyroid. Although my weight has pretty much stabilized for several months now, my body composition continues to change with all the muscle CrossFit has been helping me grow. I've already reached my goal of Fittest by Forty, and I still have 9 months to go! I think back at the crash diets and hours and hours I spent on an elliptical getting no where, and I just wish I could have found Paleo and CrossFit years ago!

I've done 6 CrossFit competitions now, and have grown into more of a competitor each time, even taking 1st place in one and 3rd in another. I am amazing myself with how far I can dig deep into the suck and give it all I've got. And I love that I'm being the healthy role model for my kids that I want to be.

And I've found that I love to lift HEAVY!!! It's so empowering to lift a heavy bar over your head for a new PR and throw it back down with a crash! All of the Olympic lifts (snatch, clean, jerk) were brand new to me in September of 2013, but I loved learning the mechanics of executing them, and getting faster & stronger each time I did it again.

MovementDec 2013Dec 2014
Back squat:155195
Press (strict):90100
Bench Press:110135
Push Press:115135
Power Clean:125155
Front squat:130155
Power snatch:65110
Overhead squat:85120
Strict pull-up: heavily bandedchin-up with the smallest band
Mile run:10:018:41
2K row:8:127:48
"Grace" (30 clean & jerks)@65# - 3:00@95 - 3:45
What I find most amazing is that I've finally stopped the yo-yo weight loss pattern that I've been stuck in since my teens. I've always battled with my weight (hitting the 240s in high school, topping out in the 260s in my 20s, and closing in on 280 during my second pregnancy 4 years ago - yikes!). I would always manage to lose a little weight by depriving myself on a low-cal/fat diet, and then gain it all back (and more) once I couldn't stand the deprivation any longer. Now, I've finally made the mental changes that have helped me maintain a 30+ pound weight loss for almost a year (so far) instead of gaining it all back again like I'd always done in the past. CrossFit has been a great driver to make me want to keep on fueling my body properly so that my performance can improve, and the CrossFit community is an amazing support system too. I'm finally realizing that I have to eat MORE healthy food to perform like an athlete, and that my body will continue strengthen and tone as I do so. And I'm realizing that I really need to throw away the scale - I've actually gained a few pounds since the summer, but have lost inches - THAT's progress! 

CrossFit + Paleo is a powerful combination. When I see people struggling with their weight and health, I want to yell from the rooftops about how CrossFit + Paleo can be the game changer for them, like it was for me. And this game is only getting started!

Strong is the new sexy!!!