Saturday, July 12, 2014

OMG!!! Took 1st place in the No Baby, Leave the Socks On Throw Down!!!!

I am still in shock. I can't believe I took FIRST PLACE in the scaled division today!!! Eat to Perform is DEFINITELY working!
The day I've been dreading/anticipating was finally here. I was hoping for a really solid night of sleep, but, sadly, didn't quite get it. I woke up a little earlier than I wanted, so after a shower and folding some laundry, I finally had 3 eggs and 3 sausage for breakfast and prepped 2 protein shakes with bananas and coconut milk to bring to the competition. I put on my sweet new tall socks (a requirement for this throw down), and I was out the door at 8am. When I got to CrossFit Relentless in West Hartford, I did some warm ups and ate a banana about 30 mins before my first WOD, which was at about 10am. 
The first WOD was to get your max snatch in 6 minutes. I was psyched to PR my snatch for the 2nd time this week - got to 105# today! I made 2 attempts at 110#, but failed both times (should have tried squatting it, but was just doing power snatches). Just not enough time to rest in between attempts when you only have 6 minutes. I tied for 1st place with 3 other girls. 

After the WOD, I had my first protein shake. Then my little cheerleaders showed up with their Daddy, and I hung around with them for a while while they climbed on all the equipment like a couple monkeys. About 30 minutes later, it was time for the second WOD, which was the one I was dreading the most: 8 minute AMRAP OF:
  • 10 sumo deadlift high pulls with a 26# kettle bell
  • 60 single unders (I thought I could do 20 DUs, so this caught me a little off guard)
  • 30 one-handed kettle bell thrusters (26#)
  • 40 burpees

It was no surprise that the burpees were a killer for me - I just took them slow and steady. I managed to circle back to the thrusters and got just over half way through them. When those 8 minutes were up, I laid down to catch my breath, and my son instantly jumped on top of me! Ugh! I finished in 15th place (out of 25) for this WOD, which put me as tied for 5th place overall. I really wanted to make the top 5 so I could do the championship WOD. I had high hopes for the last WOD since it was purely strength, which is my strength, but you never know... 

While I was doing the second WOD, the smell of Bear's BBQ wafted through the air. So, once I was done, I went over and got a plate of brisket and pulled pork with some BBQ sauce. Sadly, I couldn't have any of the sides they had today - I wish they had baked sweet potatoes instead of mashed since they put butter in the mashed, and that did not treat me well the last time I had some. I only ate a couple bites of meat since I didn't want too much sitting in my stomach, and a little later, had about half of my remaining protein shake. And another half hour or so later, it was time for the third WOD: 10 minute AMRAP of the following with a 65# barbell:
  • 6 deadlifts
  • 9 power cleans
  • 12 shoulder to overhead
This is the kind of WOD that I probably would have done RX during a normal WOD. However, after a few minutes, I sure was glad that I did the scaled so I wasn't using a 95# bar! My forearms were on FIRE after a few rounds of cleans and presses. But I managed to get through 6 rounds and back into cleans for a total of 173 reps. That was enough to take first place in this WOD, and move me into 2nd overall, securing me a spot in the championship WOD!!! 

Then, the bad news: the first part of the championship WOD was max pull ups. My big goal for this year is to get my first strict pull up. Today was not the day that I made my goal. I gave it a try - even tried kipping a couple times even though I've never tried to kip before (best to have the strength to get a few strict first). Got a little closer with the kip, but still not there. Thankfully, there was a second part to the WOD after a 2 minute rest once the last pull up finisher finished: max kettle bell swings. Since I was scaled, I only had to use a 26# kettle bell, which felt pretty light after using a #35 for the last several months. So, I got to it. 

Instantly, the seam of the kettle bell handle started digging into the sides of my ring fingers, and I was constantly struggling to find a comfortable position to hold it. The rule was that you could stop and rest so long as you didn't put the kettle bell on the ground or support it on your body, so, I kept resting mostly to give my fingers a break. I got the first 100 swings pretty quickly. After a while, I saw a couple of the 5 finalists drop off, and eventually, it was just me and one other girl. Man, she was really starting to piss me off. Every time I did a few reps and rested, I glanced over to see if she was still going, and she was... I didn't know what number she was on, so I just kept going, figuring if I could outlast her, I'd have to get more reps. So, we just kept going for a while... By the time I hit 200 reps, all of the Relentless Nation was gathered around to cheer me on, which was pretty awesome. Although I was getting tired, it was really the chafing pain in my fingers that was doing me in. FINALLY, the other girl dropped her kettle bell, but I decided to do a few extra just to be sure. I thought I got to 225, but it was just 223 (if only I'd done 4 more, I would have been #1 in the country! So close!!!). I finally dropped that damn kettle bell even though I still had enough in the tank to keep going a little while longer so I could check out the damage to my fingers - ouch, the skin was shredded on both fingers. The pain was worth it though - I beat the other girl by 15 swings, and even though she got 8 pull ups (and another girl got 15 pull ups), it was enough for me to move into FIRST PLACE and collect my $100 winnings!!! The fellow Relentless member who was my judge had the nicest post about me later on - this quote is a keeper!


The place of honor!
Woo hoo! $100 prize!
I will wear this shirt with pride!

The Relentless Nation Lady Athletes

A margarita was DEFINITELY in order after that! So off to my favorite restaurant for dinner on the deck on a gorgeous night. I must have been pretty beat since I didn't attack my margarita and chips & salsa with my normal gusto.Wow, what a day. I went into it hoping I had a chance to make the final 5, and I was so thrilled to make it. But to actually take FIRST PLACE?! Wow. So proud of myself. Now onto the next Festivus throw down in October! Although I'll be dreading those 50 far facing burpees over bar every day until then!!! UGH.
  • 3 eggs scrambled in coconut oil
  • 3 sausage links
  • topped with hot sauce
Snack Pre-WOD 1:
  • banana
Post WOD 1/Pre WOD 2:
  • 8oz protein shake with banana and coconut milk
Post WOD 2:
  • ~2 oz pulled pork and brisket w/ bbq sauce
Pre WOD 3:
  • 4 oz protein shake with banana and coconut milk
Post WOD 3/Pre WOD 4:
  • ~1 oz pulled pork and brisket w/ bbq sauce
  • 4 oz protein shake with banana and coconut milk
Post WOD 4:
  • remaining pulled pork and brisket w/ bbq sauce (~4oz?)
  • banana
  • chips & salsa & guac
  • 3 tacos (1 chicken, 1 ground beef, 1 pork) with salsa and guac
  • 16oz Margarita
These totals are just a guess since I couldn't measure the bbq or dinner. But I'm not too worried if I ate that many calories - I did my fare share of work today!!! And, my true TDEE is 2780, and I've been targeting only 2500 on WOD days, and even less on rest days. So I had a little deficit to make up anyway. ;)

Your Daily Goal2,50021997188152,500

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