Thursday, July 17, 2014

Eat to Perform Day 11: WOD Day

I usually take Thursday as a rest day and WOD on Friday, but since I'll be bringing the kids to New York City on Friday morning, and I was working from home today while we got central air installed (cool!!!), I decided to WOD during my lunch break today. I'm not sure why though - as if 100 burpees for time wasn't bad enough yesterday, today's WOD was 150 thrusters for time! Good Lord!!!! I was very torn about whether to try it RX at 45#, but then I heard about some other ladies doing RX, so figured I had to too. Then I decided to embrace it: if I'm eating to perform, then I need to start performing and really pushing myself to the max! Well, I did today - that SUCKED. The WOD had a 20 minute cap, and if you set the barbell down on the ground, then you had to run a penalty lap of 200 meters. Given how much I enjoy running, I was determined not to put that bar down! I found I could balance it across my back/neck and shake out my shoulders, so I just kept doing that between sets of 5-10 thrusters. I made a strong finish of doing sets of 10 for the last 50 though. I was pretty pleased with my time: 14:42. Not bad for RX, especially considering that a lot of people weren't even finishing!

I treated myself to a Coolata on the way home - I wanted a kid size, but they gave me a small. Boo. Hit the spot though. There's some quick digesting carbs for my exhausted muscles! But thanks to that Coolata ,I went a little higher on my carbs than intended since I wanted this to be a semi control day since I'm resting tomorrow. Oh well.

  • 3 eggs scrambled
  • 3 sausage links
  • topped with hot sauce
  • 4 oz baked sweet potato
  • Healthy & Fit Vanilla egg-based protein shake
  • 2 oz lite coconut milk
  • 1 frozen banana

  • 8 oz buffalo turkey meatballs
  • 1 cup sugar snap peas
  • Dunkin Donuts Coolata
  • tacos with ~6oz ground beef
  • 1/2 avocado as guac
  • Ortega salsa
Snack 2:
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein shake mixed with water

Totals 2,560 171 124 174 21 4,454
Your Daily Goal 2,500 219 97 188 15 2,500
Remaining -60 48 -27 14 -6 -1,954
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Fiber Sodium

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