Friday, February 20, 2015

Starting the year off with some good PRs and new recipes!

First, big news toward my #1 2015 goal: got my first strict chin-up today!!! Woo hoo! I've been committed to this pull-up progression program for the past 2 months. I haven't always gotten in 3 sessions/week, but I've gotten 2 in consistently. The first time I tried it, I could barely make it through all 5 sets of 4 negatives, and my back was SO SORE for the next couple days. But, they've been getting easier - I can lower myself a bit more slowly than I used to now. So, apparently, it's working! I've been having trouble doing the barbell assisted pulls with proper form, so my coach gave me some other band/PVC pipe moves to do instead (similar to standing close grip pull and straight-arm pulldown cable exercises). Although I think I might start substituting with this reverse row sit back move instead. And I got a couple toes to bar on Saturday! I don't know how...couldn't do them again. Aggravating! Got a bunch of toes to rings though - not sure why the rings are easier - must be because they swing back somehow...

I came across this old photo a couple days ago, and I just keep looking back to it and thinking, "WOW." Granted, I was 5 months postpartum with my first kid, but I just looked so much older and just UGH. And I remember being happy that I fit back into that brown blouse (the mega milk boobs did not help!)! I don't know what I weighed there, but I'd have to say there's a good 70# difference between these 2 pictures. I was a lean, mean 183# in the 2014 photo, which was my all time low since switching to my Paleo/CrossFit lifestyle in August 2013. I've put ~10# back on since then, but I'm happy to say that I still fit in those pants! I seem to be stuck around 195# when I'm not consciously trying to eat perfectly strict Paleo. But I'm happy that I can maintain under 200# fairly effortlessly. I feel like there's one more subtle change with my diet that I need to incorporate in order to lose a little more fat and be able to maintain at that weight easily, but I haven't figured out what it is yet. But looking back, I have a little more appreciation for the loose skin on my belly, back, arms, and thighs - it's done a lot of stretching through the years (and 2 pregnancies)! 

I had a great experience at the CrossFit Total competition I entered on 1/31/15. We completed in weight classes, so I had to step on the scale for the first time since October, which I was a little scared about...but I was happy to find that I was still under 200# at 195#. Nothing like a competition to drive me to bust out some PRs - I PRed all 3 of my lifts to hit my CrossFit Total goal of 600# (20# more than I hit in December)! I finally got my 100# strict press, then a 205# squat, and a 295# deadlift (psyched myself out at my attempt at 300# - next time!). There were 7 women in my Heavyweight class, and I ended up in 3rd place. The first place woman was a beast! And the second place girl was only 18 years old - oh, I envy her for getting started in CrossFit so young. I would be a monster by now if I'd been doing this for the last 20 years! 

295# Deadlift 100# Strict Press The scoreboard
I had an awesome morning at Friday's WOD! FINALLY caught my squat snatch up to my 110# power snatch PR today!!! And hit it twice! For about a year, my power snatch has been higher than my squat snatch since I've mostly been doing power snatches because I've been wary of tweaking my wonky knee, but it finally seems to be on the mend (and I think it's the Lurong supplement that's helped). No longer afraid to get under that bar! :) And then got a new PR of 41 DUs unbroken! 

I got a deal on a BJ's membership, so I figured I'd try it out since I heard that they have a lot of organic/healthy products. I found some good stuff at decent prices:
  • Applegate deli meats (turkey & ham) - $9/lb
  • Applegate hot dogs $8/16
  • antibiotic/hormone-free ground beef $5.33/lb
  • Stoneyfield tube yogurt for the kids $6.50/16
  • Antibiotic/hormone/cage-free chicken breasts  $4.30/lb
  • Cage free organic eggs $5.79/18
  • Uncured bacon $10.49/20oz
  • Some good looking fresh produce (didn't need a lot of produce today, or would have gotten more)
We've been cooking up a storm for Food Prep Sunday. It's going to be a delicious week! Here are some great recipes:

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