Monday, March 24, 2014

My CrossFit 6-month anniversary - big accomplishments and big changes!

Wow, I can't believe it's already been 6 months since starting CrossFit. I am so proud of what I have accomplished in those 6 months. 

I had a huge CrossFit success today, which was the perfect way to celebrate! My latest fixation has been getting my first toes-to-bar (T2B). In the past couple weeks, I'd progressed to getting my feet about a foot away from the bar, and seemed to be getting the hang of the kipping movement when doing knees-to-elbows (or somewhere close, anyway). But now I REALLY wanted one because T2B were included in the fourth CrossFit Opens WOD. After obsessively watching every video on the interweb for tips since the WOD announcement on Thursday, and getting some coaching during yesterday's WOD (and getting soooo close - mere inches away!), I walked into the box today hoping for just ONE T2B. After one more dose of advice from another coach (stand on a couple plates to give a little more leverage into the swing), and BAM! First T2B!!! And then a couple more during warm-up! AND THEN 23 DURING THE WOD! I'm so psyched! 

Some of my accomplishments since starting CrossFit 6 months ago:

  • Movements:
    • Deadlift: never done other than straight leg --> 235# in Dec (probably more now)
    • Squat Snatch: never done before --> 90#
    • Power Clean & Jerk: never done before --> 135#
    • Box Jump: never done before --> 28"
    • Rope Climb: never done before --> 3 in a matter of minutes!
    • Toes to Bar: never done before --> 23 in 10 minutes!
    • Handstand Push-ups: never done before --> getting down a few inches for several reps
    • Turkish Get-ups: never done before --> 35#
    • Overhead Squat: never done before --> 85# in Oct (probably more now)
    • Double Unders: never done before --> 21 strung together; 76 in 2 mins
    • Strict Press: 45# --> 90#
    • Pull-ups: using green & blue band in Sept --> got one with only blue band
    • Mile Run: pretty slow... --> 8:48!
  • Throw downs
    • Placed just about last in my first throw down
    • Placed solidly in the middle of the pack at my second on in Dec
    • High hope for my third one next month, and in the Intermediate division instead of novice!
It's been quite a ride for the past 2.5 years. But I'm proud to report that I'm down 69 pounds in that time!!! And CrossFit has made all the difference in my body composition.
  • On 12/7/10, after 3 months of recuperation from my repeat c-section for my son, I got back on the Jillian Michael's circuit training wagon. That day, I weighed 256 (down about 20 from the day I walked into the OR, well, including a baby).
  • Over the next couple years, I fought hard to get my weight down to a low of 205, but it was a constant roller coaster. For my son's sake, I stuck to a dairy-free diet for the first 10 months postpartum, which helped, but then I gained some back when I added dairy back in (come on, 9 months without pizza and ice cream?!! Payback time!). This is the story of my life - always yo-yo-ing. 
  • On 5/19/13, I ran my first 5K. I got the 5K bug, and did a few more that summer, including a couple obstacle courses. But, despite all that running, the weight just would not come off.
  • On 8/11/13, my 38th birthday, I was back up to 221.5 after a couple back-to-back vacations (and lots of ice cream). Typical.
  • On 8/12/13, I started my first month of really a strict Whole30 Auto-immune Protocol. My body was SOOO happy to have gluten and dairy eliminated, and in that month alone, I dropped 14.5 pounds down to 207. Wow. Finally finding out about my food intolerances made ALL the difference.
  • On 9/24/13, I started CrossFit at 204.5 pounds (I'm still amazed that I LOST WEIGHT during our Disney vacation the previous week). 
  • On 3/24/14, 6 months later, I've lost another 17.5 pounds, down to 187. Granted, the rate of loss has slowed down A LOT, but I've also been putting on some muscle at the same time, and I love that I'm getting stronger. Steady progress.

3/25/13 - 3/14/14
I am definitely the fittest I've even been in my life, and on the path to keep getting better! For the first time in my life, I feel I am in control of my body, and can achieve the goals I set for myself, and not backslide like I've always done in the past. Paleo + CrossFit is my answer. Only ~20 pounds away from my goal! Fittest by 40 should be an easy road from here on out!!! 

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