Monday, March 24, 2014

So much for a 30-day Challenge...

Well, that 30-day Challenge didn't go as well as hoped. I was going really strong for the first almost 12 days, until Valentine's Day came up, and I really wanted to have a nice date night with Brian. That delicious evening of chips & salsa and margaritas marked the beginning of my downfall, which was very disappointing since I was really on a roll - I'd hit a new low of 189.5, which was amazing! Then I bounced back up into the low 190s again...seem to be stuck there.

I was a little afraid to look at the scale after returning from a girls' weekend away at the Cape with some friends. A fair amount of booze and salty snack food was consumed. However, I didn't risk getting any fried wings at the bar we went to - I've learned my lesson on that. So maybe it wasn't not too bad...

My right knee is finally feeling 95% better after 4 weeks of PT. However, now my left side is all jacked up. I've got lateral pain on my left knee, and it seems to be affecting my left hip (feels like I've been jogging) and my left calf has been sore for 5 days now, so something is pulling there too. Hoping to visit my chiropractor friend this week to see if she can straighten me out. I also tweaked the lower left side of my back during some heavy deadlifts on 3/1, and that seems to be taking a little while to get back to 100% too. Why the hell am I such a mess?!!!

My knees felt pretty good on Fri 3/7, so I did some deep squats in the CrossFit Open WOD. You had 3 minutes to do 2 rounds of a couplet of 10 overhead squats (65# RX for women) followed by 10 chest to bar. And then repeat that every 3 minutes, but adding 2 reps to each part of the couplet. I still don't have chest to bar, so I was just hoping to get all 10 overhead squats, and I did (maybe it was because I was wearing my brand new Oly Lifters - oooooh!!!)! So I was pretty pleased about that since I've never done that many OHSs with that much weight. I tried for one unassisted CTB (got about 1/2 way), then I did some pull ups with a green band. I wish I'd used a red band too since I fizzled out on the pull ups with just the green - I only got 8 pull ups in the second round. So, I just hung around and cheered on everyone else who was doing the WOD, including my sister who got in a ton of rounds!

Had an appt with my functional practitioner on Thurs 3/6. Typical news - not much change in my thyroid. My cholesterol did increase a little after laying off the fish oil supplements a little, so he said to stay on that dose. The big news was with my bodyfat analysis though. I'M FINALLY ONLY OVERWEIGHT!!! My bodyfat % dropped to 29.1 - woo hoo! And my BMI is 28.65. Back in August, they were 38.5 and 33.3 respectively - big change!!! That's almost a 10% loss of bodyfat, which is awesome. I've lost about 13% of my bodyweight, so having 10% of that as fat is awesome - I know I've lost at least 5 pounds of water weight, so that means I've definitely gained some muscle since starting CrossFit.

I finally bit the bullet and invested in a good jump rope: RX rope with a heavier Buff weight rope. The heavier rope is supposed to help me get the timing of DUs more easily since I'll be able to feel the turnover of the rope better. Can't wait until it arrives so I can start practicing! The countdown to Festivus is on! I like this pretty coral color - hope it matches my Nanos. ;) It was a little pricey to get into this calibur of rope, but at least the replacement cables are only like $10. I'll probably get a slightly lighter weight rope once I've mastered my timing.

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