Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 26 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge


Apparently, this is a really big deal in the world of CrossFit. Last night, CrossFit HQ announced the first of 5 weekly WODs where people can try to place into the Regionals, the winners of which qualify you for the CrossFit Games. The part that's kind of cool is that ANYONE can do the Open WODs, and see how you rank in your box, your state, your region, and the world. So, Brian and I signed up so we can track ourselves to see how we measure up since we'll be doing the Open WODs at our box anyway. You can only enter a score in the Open if you can do the RX workout, so I won't be able to log and WODs with pull ups or toes to bar, but I should be able to do everything else RX (maybe not do it WELL, but do it...). I hope we get to see some of our coaches in action, some of whom may actually have a shot of making it to Regionals. They would be amazing to see in action.

Brian did the first Open WOD today: 10 minute AMRAP of 30 double unders followed by 15 snatches (75# guys/55# girls). He was able to string together a few DUs here and there, and was eventually able to get through 132 reps. Not bad for a relative CrossFit newbie! 

And I've officially turned into a crazy person... After work, I took the kids to the Y to go swimming (which is not my favorite thing to do my myself because the trials in the changing room really grate on my nerves) all because I wanted to practice some double unders before hopping in the pool! And man, were my arms and hands covered in lash marks when I was done! And I got a big blister on my right palm - ouch. But I finally seem to be getting some of my timing back. For a while, I got a decent run every time I practiced (somewhere between 10-20 jumps strung together), and then I lost it after doing a WOD with 3 sets of 100 single unders (which I rocked, but it killed my DU timing!). For the first time, I finally strung together a few DUs with my own jump rope, which has been eluding me for some reason, even though it's the SAME rope that they have at the box. I don't know why, but it seemed to help to be able to see myself in a mirror there (no mirrors in the Box). So, I anticipate the sets of 30 DUs being painful tomorrow, but I should be able to get through them, anyway.

Brian made a delicious dinner while we were wrapping up at the Y. I've been dreaming about sweet potato fries for a while, and was so excited to open the door and smell them baking when I got home. And he fried up some salmon cakes. In the past, he used 5 oz of salmon for each of us, and I always found it so filling that I could barely finish my second cake. But, tonight, he only used 3.75 oz apiece, and that was perfect. He whipped up an avocado mayo to put on top, but some fresh dill or something would have really made the topping spectacular.

Food: 1885 calories  22% carbs (105g)/ 20% (95g) protein/ 58% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 3 eggs scrambled with spinach, onions, and bell peppers
    • 2 sausage patties
    • hot sauce on everything
  • Lunch: 
    • salad with chicken and avocado with homemade dressing
  • Dinner:

    • Salmon cakes (Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon) topped with an avocado mayo
    • baked sweet potato fries (1/2 potato)
  • Snacks:
    • Boar's Head buffalo chicken
    • cantaloupe
    • homemade applesauce
    • bit of banana
    • 2 wedges of a mandarin orange
  • practiced double unders until I was all sweaty, and did one set of 45# snatches
  • 8 hours, but was awoken by alarm clock at 6am before hitting snooze - could have slept more!

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