Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 9 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Enjoyed a WOD with my sister this morning. It's so fun to do them together! After lots of stretching and climbing ropes for a while (climbed it 3 times today!), we did an interesting WOD where we just had to hold (pinch) a plate in each hand while walking/running 40m, and then do 30 sit-ups - repeat 5 times. The Rx for women was 25# plates, and I was able to run with them no problem each time. The sit-ups got pretty old after a while though...it's gonna hurt to laugh for a couple days. I was very proud of my sister who said she couldn't do 1 real sit-up before starting, and today she did all 150!!! At the end, the coach asked if our forearms were fried, and I replied "meh." So, he sentenced me to holding a 45 plate over my head until I couldn't stand it anymore. I made it for 2 minutes - felt my forearms then!

This afternoon, I had a check-in for the corporate-sponsored fitness program I opted into. She took my weight and measurements, and all were down from the second week of January. However, so of the measurements seemed like they were down too much, while the bodyfat analysis machine said my bodyfat was up... So, not putting too much faith in those measurements. I have another check-in in another month...hoping to lose a few more pounds by then! 

I waited to eat my lunch until after the check-in so she wouldn't be weighing my full stomach - I was so hungry by 2pm (although I did snack on some beef jerky)! After lunch, I had a hankering for something sweet, so I ate my mixed berries almost immediately. Then, after having my snack turkey, I wanted something sweet again, and grabbed one of the sugar-free life savers in my drawer. Not sure what's up with all these sweet cravings. Maybe triggered by the licks of frosting last night?

Watched my daughter and all her fellow Daisy Scouts and their families devour the cupcakes we made last night, which made me crave one in the worst way. It was all I could do to not grab one and just lick all the frosting off! But I didn't. I still had a hankering for something sweet when I got home though, so I made a frosty protein shake with banana. That hit the spot.

Food: 1783 calories  20% carbs (87g)/ 33% (147g) protein/ 47% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • homemade sausage
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch: 
    • stir fry made with 1/2 bag of frozen stir fry veggies and 3.5 oz of leftover marinated flank steak prepped for beef jerky all sauteed in coconut oil
  • Dinner:
    • Home made meat chili
  • Snacks:
    • post-WOD shake
    • strawberries & blueberries
    • some Boar's Head Cajun turkey
    • some home made beef jerky
    • dessert shake
    • 1 sugar free Lifesaver

  • CrossFit
  • Only 5 hours - got to sleep WAAAAAY tooo late (midnight), and 5am came really early. Although not as tired as I would have expected today.

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