Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 24 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

So, yeah, I bought those Oly lifting shoes. Could not pass up the deal - they're usually $150, and I got them for only $93! They must have been last year's model or something - I'll take it! Now I just have to wait an eternal 5 days until they are shipped to my local Lady Foot Locker (got free shipping that way). 

Wednesdays used to be my second day off of the week, when I could just hang out with my kids and do fun stuff (and maybe some chores around the house). Then, last summer,  my boss asked me to start working 4 hours on Wednesdays. I begrudgingly agreed provided I didn't have to start until we got back from our Disney trip in late September. Despite it only being a 4-hour day instead of a full day, it has not possibly become my most crappy, rushed day of the week. It's been 5 months now, and I still can't get used to it - I really miss having that extra day to run errands and clean. Now, I usually have just enough time to get the kids off to school, catch the 9:30 WOD, get to work around 11, work until 3ish, get my daughter off the bus and pick up my son at preschool, bring them both to my daughter's gymnastics class at 5, and then come home for dinner. Exhausting enough on a regular Wednesday. But today was extra craptacular because I had to go to our office that's 90 minutes away instead of my regular office that's only 30 mins away, and then had 2 appts in the evening. So, I had to arrange (and pay extra) for after school care for my daughter, and get the hubby to do the gymnastics run so I could do all the following craziness:

  • 6am: Woke to alarm and left my sleeping babies in the warm bed so I could prep lunches for all of us and clean the kitchen
  • 8:30: Dropped my son off at daycare
  • 8:45: Waited at the bus stop with my daughter
  • 9am: WOD - So nice to have my sister back from her vacation (got a pic of us in our t-shirts from the nice guy who donated 2 months of CrossFit to her - now we are walking billboards)! We did another round of the Wendler WOD for shoulder presses - the last round is getting heavier - maxed out at 4 reps this time! Then we did a metcon of 20 55# push presses (I did RX with no breaks!), and then it was supposed to be 20 burpee/pull-ups, but I did 20 burpees (no breaks!), and then climbed onto a box and did 20 jumping pull-ups (had to take some rests there). Then we repeated the sequence doing only 10 reps. I was pretty pleased with my time. Then I finished with some double under practice and FINALLY got a good string of 17! FINALLY! Have to remember to just hold the very ends of the rope - that seems to work best for me.
  • 10:10: Hop in the shower and get dressed
  • 10:50: Blood test for functional practitioner appt coming up next week. Got cholesterol, thyroid, and D tested since we tweaked my supplements for those.
  • 11:15: Gassed up the car - it was crazy empty - fit almost 18.5 gallons in!
  • 11:30: Headed out to our office in Westwood, MA to do some testing that would take all of 30 minutes. Frustrating that I had to drive all the way there to do it. Made myself some little turkey wraps so that I could eat them while driving. Save the one avocado slice that slipped out and slithered down my coat onto my pants leaving a green streak behind, it was a successful, tasty lunch on the road.
  • 1:00: arrive at Westwood - at least my testing went well, and then ended up hanging around for a little while
  • 3:00: left Westwood office and drove to the Walpole office to do more testing...all for nothing since the test couldn't be completed. Frustrating. 
  • 4:00: left Walpole and had incredible luck with traffic during rush hour, passing 2 accidents that were holding up all kinds of traffic
  • 5:40: arrived at PT appointment early in hopes they could see me early - and they did! Did some balance-type exercises while standing on my right leg to work all the little muscles around my knee, hip, and ankle, then got some ultrasound on the sore spot. Hips got tired from all that work.
  • 6:43: left for chiro appt that's 20 mins away
  • 7:02: chiro appt - she said my hip alignment still looked pretty good (a lot better then when I first saw her!). Did a minor adjustment to hips/lower back, and cracked my ankles again. Short and sweet. I mentioned how I've been making a conscious effort to sit straight at my desk, and my left hip is KILLING me from doing that by the end of the day! It will take some time to readjust now... 
  • 7:50: finally got home
  • 9:45: got into bed and read a a little bit/caught up on Facebook

Ugh, what a day. Ended up spending over 4 hours driving around in my minivan (good thing I love my minivan!). My 4 hour work day turned into 6 hours including all the driving. At least I can knock off a couple hours early later this week then. 

Despite all the craziness, I still had a good nutrition day thanks to some good planning. I never got a real dinner in though, but I really wasn't hungry when I got home, so I decided to skip it. Might need a good snack in the morning before my WOD though!

Our coach got a nice pic of the 4 of us who rocked the 9am WOD today. :) 

Food: 1350 calories  22% carbs (73g)/ 32% (108g) protein/ 46% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 eggs
    • 3 Jones sausage patty sauteed in a little coconut oil
  • Lunch: 
    • Boar's Head Cajun turkey roll-ups with avocado, red bell pepper and lettuce
  • Dinner:

    • Boar's head chicken 
    • mixed berries
  • Snacks:
    • post-WOD shake with banana
    • mandarin orange
    • a few licks of Sunbutter
  • CrossFit Wendler shoulder presses and 5 minute metcon
  • nice 8 hours, but was awoken by alarm clock at 6am

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