Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 10 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

The scale was very kind to me this morning. I was back down to 190.5, which was my brief all-time low at the beginning of January before getting a little derailed with social gatherings every weekend (okay, A LOT derailed). But, all 8 pounds gone in 9 days of clean eating! SOOOOO looking forward to hitting the 180s next week!

Had a killer WOD today. First, did week 5 of the Wendler Strength Program for strict presses. I was able to push out 8 reps on the last round this time. Amy meant to take a picture of me doing my last rep, but got a video instead. Funny, I felt like I was shaking like a leaf, but I don't appear to be shaking THAT much in the video. 

Then we did a nasty little AMRAP WOD that included 80 wall balls! And we're supposed to do AS MANY ROUNDS AS POSSIBLE?!!! I decided to give the wall balls a try since my knee has been feeling pretty good, and I was very happy to not feel any pain or stiffness at all! So, I managed to get through all 80 with a 14# medicine ball the first time (started doing them 10 at a time after the first 25 or so), and got through another round finishing at 48 reps of wall balls. I wanted to die when I was done. But only for a couple minutes until I could breathe again. ;) 

Had a PT appt for my knee tonight. They did ultrasound for a while, and during that time, I had to defend CrossFit and why we have to dow low squats and work out until we puke. Oh, and rhabdo, of course. Ugh, the ignorance. I'll have to put some info together to explain CrossFit and give it to them next time. They applied tape to my knee again to get my patella tracking correctly, and did a balance exercise where I stood on one foot on an unstable platform, and tossed a ball at a trampoline and caught it. That was kinda fun. Then gave me 2 more stretches to add to my daily routine:

  • IT band stretching - lying on my side, kind of do a quad stretch but position my leg so I can really feel the stretch down the side of my leg
  • inner quad strengthening - lying on my back while propped on my elbow, turn foot outward, and then do slow leg raises.  
My macronutrient ratios were pretty good today. Actually hit 2000 calories - first time I've had that much in a while. Wings are bad news - and those weren't even fried!

Food: 2037 calories  15% carbs (75g)/ 25% (129g) protein/ 60% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 3 Jones sausage sauteed in a little coconut oil
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsalmic dressing
  • Dinner:
    • 8 baked chicken wings
    • chopped broccoli
  • Snacks:
    • post-WOD shake with banana
    • strawberries & blueberries
    • some Boar's Head Cajun turkey
    • a sugar candy and 5 candy conversation hearts (damn candy everywhere)
  • CrossFit
  • 9 hours! Love sleeping in on Wednesdays with the babies before working my half day! (Well, loved it more when it was a full day off...)

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