Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 2 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Pleased this morning since 2 of the 8 pounds of bloat were gone. Hope the rest goes that easily... But I could already see that my midsection looked less bloated And I felt so much better today too - my stomach barely grumbled at all. I can't believe how sensitive I am to gluten now. 

After my salad today, I couldn't get the taste of onion out of my mouth. So, I ate my orange and pepperoni almost immediately after lunch instead of saving it for a snack. When that still didn't get the flavor out, I found a couple old sugar-free Life Savers in my drawer and sucked on those. But at least I wasn't really hungry throughout the afternoon like I have been lately - I think all the extra sugar in my diet was leading to cravings.

Food: 1980 calories  17% carbs (79g)/ 28% (116g) protein/ 55% fat
  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • big salad with chicken & avocado & homemade dressing (with red peppers)
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • post-WOD protein shake (last of vanilla egg-based mixed with last of chocolate soy shake and 1/2 c rice milk)
    • mandarin orange
    • some nitrate-free pepperoni (contained sugar, but we were out of deli meat...)
    • 2 sugar-free life savers
    • baby carrots while making dinner


  • Partner WOD "Tailpipe"- took turns rowing 250m while the other partner held 2 kettle bells in the clean position (I held 35#ers). After doing 3 rounds of that, we got to rest for 3 minutes, and then alternated 30 seconds of burpees. Whew. Apparently, we were also supposed to do alternating sets of kettle bell swings too, but the coach forgot. Oops!

  • Only 6 hours or so. Didn't get to sleep until 10 or so, and my son woke me up just after 4 because he wet the bed. Ugh. Was having trouble sleeping anyway because I had to pee, myself...damn bloat!

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