Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 11 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

BIG DAY TODAY! 189.5!!! MADE IT INTO THE 180s!!!! Wow. I haven't seen the 180s since a brief period of time during my junior year of high school when I simply didn't feel like eating much for a few months. I dropped like 60 pounds in that short period of time, but I also passed out at work more than a couple times. Low blood sugar, you think?! Once I got my appetite back, the 180s were a thing of the past. Hoping to make the 180s a thing of the past again this year, only the other way - I want to get into the 170s and never look back!

I was planning to do a WOD this morning, but my body told me to take a day off. My abs were STILL on fire from 150 sit-ups on Saturday and some hanging knee raises on Sunday) - they woke me up every time I turned over throughout the night. At one point during the day, I had to sneeze, and cut off the sneeze mid way because I was in shock about how much it killed my abs to sneeze! And my quads were still sore to the touch and very stiff  from 128 wall balls on Sunday. Even though I didn't work out, I had a protein shake since I figured my body needed the protein to rebuild. My stretches felt really good that night.

I ended up telecommuting today since we had yet another snow storm. Days like this are dangerous - sitting at the table by the kitchen all day, bored with many tempting things only steps away. Brian telecommuted too, and was kind enough to bake us up some bacon while I whipped up some scrambled eggs with veggies. And I made a nice salad for lunch. Bri and I kind of kept each other in check, but the gummi bears on top of the fridge finally got the best of me - at least I only had a couple though. And then we went to dinner at Brian's folks' house. His mom prepared another great Paleo dinner for us - she's being so great about accommodating our diet (it helps that she's trying to follow it too!). I indulged in a little ketchup on my meatloaf, and probably helped myself to more baked sweet potatoes with bacon than I should have, but they were so sweet and delicious.

So, I'm finding that I'm not nearly as strict on this Whole30 as I was in August. However, given the results I've seen so far, it doesn't seem to be hurting me... 10 pounds in 10 days is insane! Except I really need to make sure that little, tiny, calculated cheats don't slowly snowball into bigger, mindless cheats... That had definitely begun happening over the holidays. Gotta keep that reined in. Thanks to the 2 sweet treats I had today, I ended up going over my carb limit. Those treats were a really fast, stupid way to have 22 empty carbs. Dangerous.

Food: 1868 calories  27% carbs (113g)/ 31% (126g) protein/ 42% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 scrambled eggs with veggies sauteed in coconut oil
    • BACON!
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:
    • Paleo meatloaf with a little ketchup
    • baked sweet potato wedges with cinnamon and bacon - YUM!
    • green beans
    • a few kernels of corn off my kids' plates (mmmm, so sweet)
  • Snacks:
    • shake with banana
    • mandarin orange
    • some Boar's Head Cajun turkey
    • treats - a few gummi bears and a Peeps Valentine's heart
  • rest day - very sore from weekend's workouts
  • ~8 hours. Woke up at 4, then turned off alarm and went back to sleep until 7.

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