Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 5 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Started the day with a great WOD. I knew we'd be doing the 4th week of the Wendler Strength cycle for deadlifts, but I didn't know what else we'd do. The coach told us to keep it a secret, but we did biceps curls and triceps overhead extensions with a barbell (CrossFit doesn't usually encourage those isolated movements!). My 35# barbell got heavy toward the end! Then we did some bent-over rows (did 5th set of 5 at 95#) before the deadlifts, which were pretty light since it was a deload week. I actually did 10# more on each set than I was supposed to since I forgot that 2 of the plates were 15s, not 10s, when I was doing my math. Ooops. Then the really crappy part happened - should have known when the board said "HOLY S**T"! Had to do 1 min apiece for max calories on the AirDyne, Air Assault, and rower. Would have much preferred to do all rower! Ended up with 26 cals on AirDyne, 24 cals on rower, and 7 cals on Air Assault. Ugh, exhausted after each minute. Hate the Air Assault the most since it barely gives up any calories!

Brought the kids to Panera for dinner after swimming lessons. I got my favorite Cobb Salad with Chicken & Avocado, but I do miss the cheese crumbles in it (not to mention the baguette!). I also miss the Greek dressing that comes with it - I found out that it has MSG, of all things! Shame on Panera for doing that! I don't know why they don't focus on making good dressings with EVOO as a base instead of crappy seed oils...

Food: 1670 calories  18% carbs (74g)/ 31% (131g) protein/ 51% fat
  • Breakfast: 
    • Frittata -  Basically 12-16 oz sausage, brown that. then i did the veggies (red peppers, onions).  Put the sausage back, a little fat if needed, then 10-12 eggs scrambled. Cook on the stove top until the edges start to firm then into the oven until almost firm then broil 1-2 minutes 
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch:
    • pulled pork with Cajun seasoning
    • sugar snap peas & broccoli
  • Dinner:
    • Panera Cobb Salad w/o cheese
  • Snacks:

  • WOD
  • Probably around 6 hours. Woke up for a while around 3 and couldn't get back to sleep (but did not pick up a book or anything - just went to the bathroom). Dozed off for a while eventually.

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