Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 21 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Okay, I'm back. Got lazy about tracking and blogging last week. I blame being bummed that my little date night on Valentine's Day seemed to have put the breaks on all my good progress. Here it is, a week later, and I'm still up half 1.5 pounds from my all-time low of 189.5 10 days ago. :( 

I haven't been hideously bad all week, but I haven't been perfect either (ended up having a couple margaritas on Thursday and Friday too, although I tried to make them somewhat better my adding mango coconut water instead of sour mix...). I was crazy craving sweets early in the week - not sure if it was PMS or what... I'm pretty sure I had a gluten exposure from the tortilla chips on Friday night - maybe that contributed to the cravings. My stomach felt HUGE for a few days. I took a picture a few nights ago, and another this morning, and there is a major difference. I swear I looked a few months pregnant! My body retains water SO easily these days. Although despite some bloating, I felt pretty good in this cute new SIZE 12 sweater dress I bought (for $12 on clearance!) when we went out Thursday night!

Had some good WODs this week after taking 2 "grow" days in a row on Sun & Mon. Had a little "snow WOD" one night after work - had to clear the driveway before my hubby got home so his little car could get in! On Tuesday, the coach called me out for not using a 53# kettle bell in a metcon - so I did. That was really heavy. Wednesday: 100 BURPEES FOR TIME!!! Ugh, that was a killer. Made it in just under 10 mins though. On Friday night, we had the inaugural "Ladies' Night" WOD - only for ladies, coached by ladies. It was a fun team WOD, and I partnered up with someone I hadn't met before. Before the partner WOD started, we had to choose one exercise from a list to do for 5 minutes. I chose double unders since I really need to get my rhythm back before Festivus! In 5 minutes, I only got a very frustrating 38. Aaaargh!!! Then, for the partner WOD, we did the following. It was pretty exhausting! We didn't win since we chose somewhat later weights for everything (my partner was on the more petite side, but strong!), but we did pretty well. And then the potluck and drinking began. :) 

  • 70# farmer carries (apiece)
  • 100 ground to overhead with 55# bar (I did lots of snatches, and my partner did some snatches and clean & jerks)
  • 70# farmer carries (apiece)
  • 21/15/9 couplets of thrusters then 26# KB swings
  • 70# farmer carries (apiece)
  • 55# OHS while the partner is rowing
  • 70# farmer carries (apiece)

On Saturday, I made up my Wendler Strength program deadlifts with some of the other girls. This time, I worked my way up to 200 pounds and cranked out 10 reps (and still had enough in the tank for a couple more). And then, on Sunday, I went back to the box where we had ladies night since I left my beloved water bottle there. And it was a strict metcon there - 3 rounds of 10 strict pull-ups followed by 2 mins max meters rowing, then 3 rounds of 10 push-ups and 2 min max burpees. Ugh.  But at least I finally got to meet the guy who donated 2 months of CrossFit membership to my sister in exchange for wearing t-shirts advertising his business. Now we have our shirts, and are ready to be walking billboards!

So, back on the strict bandwagon for the next couple weeks until I go away for my ladies' weekend with some coworkers on March 7. Only a couple weeks away!!! Want to drop a pound or 2 by then!

 Food: 1867 calories  18% carbs (84g)/ 28% (128g) protein/ 54% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 Jones sausage patty sauteed in a little coconut oil
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with a grassfed burger sauteed in coconut oil, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:

    • swiss steak
  • Snacks:
    • post-WOD shake with banana
    • small handful of blueberries
    • baby carrots with guacamole dip
    • shared an apple with my son
  • CrossFit metcon
  • Solid 8 hours

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