Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 6 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Started the day off right: slept in with the kids, and then found a 1 pound loss on the scale! Woo hoo!

Had to bring the kids along with me to CrossFit today since Brian is away on a boys' weekend. They were very well behaved for the hour, with the promise that they could play on the rings and stuff later if they were good (may daughter even made a bracelet for Coach Tim - awww). I did the Oly lifting class, and was thinking about staying for the WOD afterward, but I don't think they would have lasted 2 full hours (missed out on 100 burpees - darn!). My knee was feeling pretty good today, so I decided to do some full squat cleans instead of just power cleaning. I only worked up to 80 pounds since I didn't want to completely kill my knee. It still felt pretty good throughout at least 20 deep squats. Got a little stiff later on, but not bad!! Maybe it's turning the corner... 

After CrossFit, we went sledding, so got plenty more exercise dragging the kids back up the hill! Managed to squeeze in a nap with my son afterward though, which was wonderful. :) 

Ended up having a late lunch at 4:30, so that became dinner too. Brought the kids to a winter carnival at their preschool for their dinner, where I watched them enjoy cotton candy, popcorn, and cupcakes too. The old me would have been all over that stuff (especially the cupcakes)! Okay, I did take the tiniest lick of Josh's frosting, and about 5 kernels of popcorn...

Food: 1600 calories  15% carbs (55g)/ 31% (117g) protein/ 54% fat
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 eggs scrambled with peppers & onions sauteed in coconut oil
    • 3 Jones sausages
  • Lunch:
    • skipped while watching the kids eat Wendy's. Smelled delicious.
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • a couple slices of Boar's Head chicken pre-workout
    • post cardio shake with coconut cream, 1/2 banana, and a little rice milk
    • a few slices of Boar's Head Cajun turkey
    • small handful of popcorn from my kids' winter carnival at school

  • Oly lifting class
  • Good 8 hours - got to sleep in. And then took an hour nap with my son. Life was good today. :)

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