Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 12 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Ouch. Sorry, Whole 30.

The day started out well... Great WOD - I was the only one to brave the blizzard for the 5:30am class, so I got one-on-one training! Started another cycle of the Wendler Strength Program for deadlifts, and got all 10 reps on my last set of 190#. Then I did a waterfall of 90# power cleans followed by pull-ups (10 of each, then 9 of each, on down to 1 of each) using a green & purple band (could only manage 2-3 reps at a time, eventually). Man, did rounds 9-6 suck. Started getting a little easier at 5...I was beat. 

I asked my coach whether he thinks I should compete at Festivus as a Novice or Intermediate since I am probably on the stronger side of a Novice by now, and I am capable of doing all the WODs as an intermediate with the exception of a solid 2 minutes of double unders (novice would do single unders). Ever since my first Festivus (just 3 weeks into starting CrossFit!), I'd been planning to do Novice again and kick ass! They have criteria that can give you guidance about which division you should enter, and I do not meet any of intermediate criteria (ability to do >5 unassisted pull-ups, deadlift 2x my bodyweight, run <10-min mile, use Rx for most WODs). But I will have been doing CrossFit just shy of 7 months, and the guideline for novices is up to 6... However, my coach thinks I SHOULD do intermediate. I'm very torn. I'd like to do novice and do a really great job, finishing toward the top of the heap. With intermediate, I'd land at the bottom of the list again. :( I've got a couple months to decide...might see what some of my Boxmates will do... 

So, I had a perfectly healthy Whole30 kind of day...until dinner. It was Valentine's Day, and Brian and I got to go on a real date: dinner and then see Alton Brown's Tour. I'd been waffling about whether I'd allow myself to enjoy some drinks and non-Whole30 food all week...and I ended up indulging. Might have gone a LITTLE overboard with the drinks. But, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed every sip of them, and such a nice date with my hubby. We had dinner at our favorite Mexican place near work (where the first margarita was strong, and second one was ever STRONGER - we split that one). We both grabbed a drink at the show (at $10/pop - ouch!), and then we had a little nightcap at our favorite Mexican place near home (we kinda like good margaritas). It was a wonderful evening - no regrets!

Food: ??? calories  ??? pretty safe to say it was over 100g of carbs though... 
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • homemade sausage
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:
    • Chili Verde with coleslaw (no rice or beans)
    • chips & salsa & small guac
    • 2 margaritas
  • Snacks:
    • shake
    • mixed berries
    • some slices of Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken
    • some homemade beef jerky
    • gin & tonic
    • chips & salsa
    • some of a 3rd margarita
  • CrossFit
  • 7 hours

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