Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 7 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

I was greeted with another loss on the scale this morning - love staring the day like that!

Brought the kids to CrossFit again, and they were pretty good again.  It was a weird WOD today - had 20 minutes to just play around with strongman equipment as we pleased. I started with pushing a weighted sled - I don't know how much weight I worked up to, but it was easier than I thought with like 100# on it. The I tried doing farmer's carry with a 25# plates on each holder and walked around for 2 minutes - that got heavy! Later I tried just standing still while holding 45#s in each hand - even heavier! Then I did deadlifts & cleans with sandbags. And then tried deadlifts & clean & jerks with a fat bar. The fat bar was a little weirder to hold, but otherwise, just the same as usual. Was able to C&J 95# and probably could have done more. Oh, and the best part of the WOD was playing the Fish Game as  a warm-up and getting the high score among my WODmates - then I got to watch as they were punished with 10 burpees. ;) The last bit of the WOD was 5 attempts at max wattage on the rower. It only takes 10 seconds or so to reach your most powerful wattage before you level off. Twice, I was cranking so hard that I fell of the rower seat! I ended up with 555 watts as my max - respectable for a girl. ;) Once the WOD was over, I rewarded the kids for their good behavior with some time to play, and my little monkeys ran directly to the rings. 

Then I took the kids shopping and stocked up on veggies for the week. I did not get organic though - oranic berries are SO expensive right now! And I really can't decide if it's worse for them to have washed non-organic, or not have berries at all...

Food: 1850 calories  13% carbs (58g)/ 34% (156g) protein/ 53% fat
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 eggs scrambled with peppers & onions sauteed in coconut oil
    • 3 Jones sausages
  • Lunch:
    • bowl of leftover pulled pork and beef from dinner the other night
  • Dinner:
    • Homemade low-carb chili over a couple ounces of leftover cubed beef for a little extra protein
  • Snacks:
    • baby carrots w/ guac
    • 6 gummi bears (shame on me - but at least I was able to restrain myself to only 6!)
    • more baby carrots w/ guac...

  • CrossFit
  • About 8 hours - in the end - woke up around 3:30 for a while, but finally dozed back off and slept in with the babies. Wasn't even sleepy when I laid down for a nap with my son in the afternoon. 

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