Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 13 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

 Well, didn't wake up too much worse for the wear after last night's Valentine's date splurging. The scale was not my friend though - up 2 from Thursday. Boo. Time to get back on track and keep moving forward!

Brian and I decided to repent by doing the Oly class and WOD back-to-back today. Two full hours of CrossFit. Haven't done that in a while, and we were beat afterward! 

At the Oly class, we did snatches with full squat - did full squats using just 55# so I didn't kill my knee, and it felt pretty good. Then we did 5 sets of 2 clean & jerk complexes @ 90# - we were supposed to squat, but I did power. 

Then, onto the WOD. Finally got to do a partner WOD with Brian. :) 
In Teams of 2: 1 athlete working at a time. May switch out as they like. 
  • 2K Row 
  • 100 Box Jump 24/20"
  • 100 Burpees 
  • 100 Kettle Bell HeadCutter 35/23# 
  • 2K Row
It was a killer! We split up the rows by doing 500m/apiece. The box jumps didn't seem to bug my knee, and I was able to bang out 15-20/turn before turning the box on end so Brian could do his 24" jumps - luck guy! As expected, the burpees sucked - we both did 15-20/turn to power through them. The kettle bell headcutters sucked the most though. I went lighter on the kettlebell with all the squatting to spare my knee, and it still sucked. I could only do like 5 at a time before my quads were spent (they are still a little sore from 128 wall balls on Wed!), so Brian carried us through that one a bit (although more than 8 at a lime killed him too!). The final 2000m row sucked since we were both so spent from the headcutters, but we both still powered through and finished in just over 38 mins (best time for a guy/girl duo!). 

My eating was right back on track today without any cravings or anything, which was good. Ended up fasting until 10:30 - didn't wake up hungry for a pre-WOD snack, and ended up just skipping breakfast after having my post-WOD shake at 10:30. I spotted 4 packs of Nature's Promise antibiotic-free chicken that was 30% off (score!) at Stop & Shop, so I sauteed up some fresh chicken for a salad for lunch (my last couple salads used chicken that I dug out of the freezer from months ago). Then Brian made a delicious beef stir-fry for dinner. 

Food: 1700 calories  17% carbs (73g)/ 24% (100g) protein/ 59% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • post-WOD shake
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • baby carrots
    • dessert shake with frozen banana
  • CrossFit Oly class followed by a WOD class - whew!!!!
  • ~6 hours overnight, and then a 2 hour nap with my son. Ahhhh....

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