Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 1 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Back at the beginning of January, I resolved to do another round of Whole30 to get a little weight loss jump start for the year (I really want to hit the 170s this year). I decided to wait until 2/3/14 to start since I had a lot of social events throughout January - something every weekend (if not a couple things). So, I let myself enjoy the gatherings, indulging in few sugar-laden drinks and tasty snacks at each one (still staying gluten- and dairy free, but plenty of tortilla chips and other less desirable foods). I've also been a lot more lenient about the amount of sugar that's been creeping into my diet (bbq sauce, ketchup, etc). But I figured that it's only one more month - enjoy - can't have too bad an effect on me, even if my weight loss stops... And I upgraded my CrossFit membership to unlimited, so I've been doing 5 WODs/week now - that should keep things in check, right?

But then I started getting a little less vigilant about watching out for gluten too. A few weeks ago, I forgot to ask how a restaurant prepared their buffalo wings when I ordered, and was served some buffalo wings that definitely looked like they were battered. And I ate them anyway because I was hungry and in too much of a rush to order something else. And my stomach has not been the same ever since - all rumbly and gassy, like the olden days (is that really how I felt ALL THE TIME???). And in the last week, I had some sweet potato fries from a couple restaurants, and although it wasn't obvious to the naked eye, I think they must have been slightly battered as well because I stomach has really been going crazy lately. SO MUCH GAS. And I can see that my stomach is all bloated. NOT GOOD. 

Well, 2/3/14 has finally arrived, and I have to say that I'm very grateful that it's here!!! I'm ready to get back to being strict and feeling better again. I figured I should hop on the scale to get a baseline, and HOLY CRAP!!!! I was back up to 199!!! I vowed NEVER to leave ONEderland, and that is WAY too close for comfort! Over the last month, 8 pounds have crept back on from when I hit my new low of 191, which is CRAZY. I'm confident that majority of it is just bloat from the gluten exposure, and hope that will come off very quickly again once my body starts to heal itself again. But there may be a little regained fat to lose too. However, I think I have made some strength gains this month too (not 8 pounds though!).

I also started a little support group on Facebook for a bunch of my CrossFit Relentless peeps who also want to buckle down. I'm looking forward to getting some good recipes and support through that!

This morning, I just felt like fasting, but decided that I really should saute up all the turkey sausage that I prepped last night. So I finally did that around 10:45. So I did end up having a ~15 hour fast after a nice Paleo dinner that Brian cooked last night. Stomach feels better already.

I finally went to see a specialist about my right knee since it's been bothering me since 1/7 and wasn't getting better. He said it's very tight around my patella, so everything around it needs to be loosened up a bit, which translates to more PT (just like when I had an issue with my left knee last year). So, I went to my PT eval session, and the therapist confirmed that my patella wasn't tracking correctly due to the tightness, so she taped me up to try to make the patella track better. Now I really feel like an actual athlete! I was prescribed 2 sessions/week, but she kept remarking how strong my legs are and that it's not a strength issue, it's a stretching issue. So we agreed on 1 session/week and a daily ritual of 3 sets/leg of 3 stretches (quad, hammy, and calf), and lots of foam rolling down my IT bands from my hips down to the knees. Ooof, that hurts.

This time around, I've decided to track my sleep too each night too. I really need to focus on getting more sleep. I'm also going to track my food in MyFitnessPal so I can see the carb/protein/fat ratios to ensure they're where they should be. My daily goals are:

  • less than 80 grams of carbs (closer to 50)
  • ~190 grams of protein
  • ratio of 15% carbs/ 60% fat / 25% protein

Food: 1300 calories  12% carbs (30g)/ 35% (87g) protein/ 53% fat
  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • a couple slices of leftover roast 
  • Dinner:
    • big salad with chicken & avocado & homemade dressing (with red peppers)
  • Snacks:
    • mandarin orange
    • some pulled pork (no bbq sauce)


  • Rest day. Hammies are sore from lots of good mornings on Saturday. And left knee is still bugging me - finally getting a PT eval done today. Although the anti-inflammatories I've been taking for the last 10 days have made a HUGE difference. Looking forward to getting back to squatting in WODs though!

  • Got a solid 8 hours until the phone rang at 5:45 to announce that school was cancelled due to snow. Snoozed a little bit after the call though.

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