Monday, October 24, 2016

3 weeks down at StrongerU

Three weeks in, and I'm not seeing the amazing results I'd hoped for...yet. I think my body is still reeling from the crazy bloat I put on before starting this program (compounded with a head cold that relegated me to the couch for a few days). I was able to lose all that bloat within a week or so, but the has scale just kept flirting with 200# since then. Frustrating. However, my measurements show that I have lost inches, so that is progress. I do feel like I look leaner in the mirror. Hate the scale.

The second week, my StrongerU coach kept my macros the same since all the bloat loss made it hard to judge my body's response to the macros. The third week, he just cut back 5g of carbs/day - not a big deal since I've still been feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the carbs anyway (but I'm ALWAYS crashing into the limit on fats). For the fourth week, he's having me cut back on everything to see if we can get the scale to budge. New macros for 4th week:
1558 calories (lost 100 calories)
165c    42%   (lost 10g of carbs)
42f      24%   (lost 3g of fat!!!)
130p   34%    (lost 5g of protein)
Still struggling with CrossFit too. Trying not to get down about my loss of mobility and strength - just gotta keep at it to get back to where I was. Although I was pleased to feel my old row pace of 2:200 250m splits starting to come back - I feel like it's been a while since I rowed that well. One coach really wants me to work on mobility in my hips and ankles, and prescribed hanging out in wall squats a couple times a day - ugh, that's so uncomfortable (which, of course, just reinforces my need to do it). And I haven't gotten the urge to show up for Open Gym on Sundays like I'd been planning yet - really need to get in there and start working on some Wendler squats and pull up progressions. Maybe this will be the week (if I'm not too sore from my long run on Saturday). But I've still been battling soreness too - last week, my forearms were SO SORE that I could barely straighten out my arms...not sure what caused that - low bar pull ups? Still easing myself in, and not attempting stuff RX so I don't kill myself. Stupid sprained toe is still bugging me too, although I didn't break my heart to not be able to do burpees in a WOD last week. ;) Split jerks and lunges are still out.

I have been keeping up with my running program though. My hip flexors were crazy sore during and after my last long run - first time running 8 miles. But on my last 5 mile run, I stretched them out a bit beforehand, and they didn't get sore at all. So I'll have to remember to incorporate some stretching beforehand each time. I've got my first 9 mile run ahead of me this weekend - time to expand my route another neighborhood or two! 

So, pressing onward. I'm still going to stay dedicated to this program in hopes of shedding at least 10 pounds before the half marathon in January, although I'd really like to get back to the low 180s. Really hoping this coach can find the sweet spot for me to make some big progress.

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