Saturday, October 8, 2016

Kicking off with StrongerU, and my first timed 5K in 2.5 years

On the CrossFit Masters group I follow, several people were raving about a nutrition program called StrongerU Fitness & Performance (the first time I saw it mentioned happened to be on a post complaining about Eat to Perform making someone gain weight - of course THAT caught my eye). I finally had to bite to see what it was all about. It's another macros coaching program, but this one teams you up with a 1-on-1 coach who reviews your daily macro log, weight, and measurements, and adjusts your macros accordingly each week based on your goals (fat loss, muscle gain, etc). Although I was planning to do to keto thing on my own until the half marathon in January to try to drop some weight, I like the idea of being accountable to someone. And so many of the success stories are so impressive and inspirational! So, I took advantage of the 1/2 off deal the owner offered to me when he reached out after my posts about ETP killing my weightloss - much appreciated! It was still $150, but at someone else's suggestion, I asked ETP to refund my lifetime membership since I stopped following it, and they did give me my $100 back. So, StrongerU was really only $50, right? 

My coach Jason Falcon gave me macros of 185 carbs, 45 fat, and 135 protein, for a total of 1665 calories (and no flexing according to WOD/rest days). According my my Fitbit burns, that should average a 1,000 calorie deficit/day, which is a much bigger deficit than ETP ever prescribed - that alone gives me hope for some good fat loss! After mostly adhering to low carb diet since May, this seems like a CRAZY amount of carbs. At his suggestion, I had a "practice week" before officially starting, and I really had to get used to eating all those carbs - it it actually a struggle to eat them all while keeping my fat to only 45g).They also stress the timing of carbs around workouts - I'm still trying to work that out so I don't have a crazy amount of carbs to put away for dinner after an evening WOD, especially since I'm just not accustomed to eating carbs at breakfast and lunch (but I do like having some fruit, rice, and sweet potatoes again - I missed those).

I made a bad decision to have one last big hurrah before officially starting. I was good while practicing for a few days and actually lost a couple pounds, and then I indulged in some dairy in the form of Doritos and a piece of fudge at 6 Flags (and a night of drinking gin & tonics), and my stomach was pissed off for several days - so uncomfortably bloated and gassy. I GAINED 7 POUNDS! So crazy how my body reacts to dairy. So, I started StrongerU at 208.5, and after almost a week, 5 pounds of the bloat has gone away. I'm disappointed that my splurge started me off with such a setback, but it just reinforces that I REALLY can't have dairy! Looking forward to getting back into ONEderland in a couple weeks. I would REALLY love to get into the 180s again by the end of this 12-week program, which will wrap up just before our race in January. I took some before pics in the 2-piece bathing suit that I bought 2 years ago and have never worn - I would really love to rock that bathing suit when my book club goes on a special girls' weekend to the Caribbean in February!!! And I am definitely committed - at a book club meeting last night, I didn't have ANY booze, and only ate the snacks that I had pre-measured for myself to fit my macros. #dedication

I've resumed my half marathon training schedule now that my sprained toe is 90% better, and felt pretty good on my 7 mile run last weekend - my longest yet, doing intervals of 4 mins running and 1 walking. Lately, at the end of every run, I've been running the last mile or so without stopping to try to increase my stamina. My half marathon friends convinced me to sign up for the 5K race at the Hartford Marathon - how could I say no when it's free since my company is the head sponsor?! Go Team Eversource! So I set a goal to try to run the entire thing without stopping. And, this morning, I did it! I was pretty proud of myself for pushing through it! And my time wasn't bad - I was impressed that I kept a pace just under 11 mins/mile since MapMyRun always says my pace hasn't gotten below 12 in all the last miles I've run. And, I must say, I was happy to finish in the top half of all of my female divisions, and really happy with top 23% of the Athena division! Who knows, if I keep this training up, maybe I'll try the half marathon next fall.

We joked that we should crop out the first 1 since we only ran 3.1, not 13.1. ;)
Getting back to CrossFit has been tough though. The first WOD I did had thrusters and wall balls, leaving me crippled for several days. And what was in store for me when I finally returned a week later? MORE THRUSTERS! UGH! But, I was only sore for a couple days that time, so I guess that's progress. But I feel like I've lost so much strength and mobility, not to mention stamina that was already on the decline all year. At this week'ls Oly class, 65# snatches felt like such a struggle - seems impossible that I've snatched 115#! But I'm committed to keeping at it, and trying to get back to where I was (and hopefully better!). I'm hoping some weight loss and all these added carbs with give me the boost I need. Time will tell!

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