Saturday, November 9, 2013

3 month before & after pics! 25 pounds down!

Well, it's been 3 months since I've changed my eating habits in a major way: no gluten or dairy for 3 months straight. And it sure has made a difference.

It was unbelievable to lose 15 pounds in the first 30 days. In the 2 months since then, I've "only" dropped another 10 for a total of 25. However, I have lost so many inches, which I think is very obvious in the photos. And I think I've been putting on a little muscle since I started CrossFit six weeks ago too - I love the heavy lifting days! I'm looking forward to hearing the results of my next body composition analysis on 11/26. I am really getting to the point that I need a whole new wardrobe for work. I only have 2 pairs of pants that fit, and I have to wear a belt to keep them up (and I'm on the smallest notch!). And most of my tops are too big. I'm pretty solidly into a medium now unless it's cut too tight across my shoulders - I never thought I'd be less than a large!

To get back on track, I am recommitting to eating clean until Thanksgiving. One of my coaches asked how my Paleo was going after I told him that my weightloss has plateaued for a couple weeks, to which I replied, "pretty good." And he said that "pretty good" is my problem. So, time to cut out the tortilla chips, sugar, and booze for a few weeks (might get a pass on Thanksgiving though. And my sister's birthday party.). I'd like to get into the 180s by my next CrossFit throwdown - that's 7 pounds in 4 weeks, which SHOULD be totally attainable. My mother-in-law just started doing the Whole30 (yay!), so we'll have to support each other. 

I've begun tracking my food in My Fitness Pal again to ensure that I'm getting my macro-nutrients in the right ratio. When I was losing so rapidly in August, I was averaging about 70g of carbs (or less), 80g of protein (or more), and 60g of fat. So, I want to aim for those ratios again. I just bought some egg-based, no-carb protein shake to help boost the protein - hoping it's tasty! 

I'm also hoping to break this cycle of head colds I've been battling since September. I just came down with my 4th one in 3 months, and this time, I went to a walk-in clinic because I suspected a sinus infection due to the piercing pain in my temples. I was right, and was sent home with some antibiotics and Mucinex (non-stimulant version!) to take for a week. I took the day off from work to rest, and took a nice, long nap. My head felt so much better this morning (although I slept like crap last night thanks to the nap). I feel like my workouts have been dragging a bit lately, and it may be because I've been fighting this infection. I think all the stress of the massive layoffs and outsourcing initiative at work is getting to me - at least we'll finally hear who's getting laid off next week so I can stop worrying about it (I think I'm safe, but I just want to know for sure! I'm worried about some friends though.). When I mentioned the antibiotics to my functional practitioner, he said that he wished we could have resolved the infection neurologically instead of taking antibiotics which will kill some of the good flora that I'm been working so hard to build up - not sure how that's done, but he said he'd explain it next time.

Brian made Salmon Patties with a Creamy Lemon-Dill Sauce for dinner tonight, along with some roasted asparagus and sweet potato fries. Very tasty! But I still find salmon SO filling - I just could not eat the last couple bites of my second patty (about 5oz in all). I was starving in the late afternoon today though. For lunch, I was in a time crunch, so I just had the last of some old soy protein shake with some SunButter, frozen bananas, coconut milk, and rice milk. Apparently, that was not enough to get me through dinner. I was getting desperate while shopping at Target, but there's just not a whole lot there that fits into my diet these days, other than some fruit or carrot sticks (all the commercial beef jerky there had wheat and nitrates). So, I had some beef jerky when I got home.

Today was the first time I attended to Olympic Lifting session at CrossFit, and I'm so glad that I did. One of the events in the No Baby Leave The Stockings On! Throwdown is to establish my heaviest complex of 1 Clean + 2 Front squat + 1 Jerk. It just so happened that today, we worked on finding our 1 rep max for squat cleans, so I got to practice some cleans and front squats. I was able to get to 105# for the squat clean, but I haven't been able to do the 2 front squats at that weight. I can do the front squats and jerk at 85#, so I'm going to try a few more times at the Y tomorrow to see how much better I can do. So much of this is just getting the form right, which is still so new to me. I wanted to stay for the WOD afterward, since it was a partner WOD and I was going to have fun doing it with Brian. However, the kids would not cooperate and just sit and watch a movie as I'd hoped, so I had to take them home. So, around 6pm, I decided to go outside and practice doubleunders in the driveway (in the dark), and that worked up enough of a sweat that I took off my fleece and did them in shirt sleeves in 45 degree weather!

I started doing a little CrossFit shopping this week too. ;) Got my first pair of tall socks to wear to the Throwdown since it's a requirement to wear tall socks (however, I will not be pairing them with booty shorts!!!). Then one of the coaches mentioned he had some tall socks leftover from the last throwdown, and offered those for only $5, so had to get those too! And, on a whim, I got a pair of Reebok CrossFit Nano Speed sneakers since someone on my CrossFit group mentioned a 40% off sale - sweet deal. I've worn them twice now, and they're pretty comfy, and far fancier-looking than any sneaker I've owned in my entire life (I had been thinking about getting new sneakers since I hadn't replaced my in a year and a half - long overdue). Brian says I'd better be careful or I'm going to drown in the Kool-Aid. ;)

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