Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Two of CrossFit's dirty little secrets, and another disappointing blood test

In the past week, I experienced 2 new things at CrossFit that I'm not that excited about:
  • Ass crack rash - first time doing 150 AbMat sit-ups, and got one sore butt (and very sore abs for 4 days and counting...) 
  • Double-under incontinence - I can do a million single-unders no problem, but I finally strung together 10 consecutive double-unders, and sprung a leak! WFT?!
However, I also experienced some new things that I'm pretty psyched about:
  • Finally strung together 10 consecutive double-unders!!!
  • Did a deadlifting WOD using the RX weight of 135# - woo hoo! And was the first to finish in my session (including all the guys!). Couldn't do the entire WOD at RX though since RX was alternating deadlifts with double-unders, and I had to do single-unders. Maybe next time though!
  • Got through several days of being my sorest EVER since starting CrossFit thanks to lots of lunges while holding a 35-45# barbell. Ouch. But now I'm stronger for it!
Sadly, my goal of getting into the 180s by the time I do my CrossFit No Baby Leave the Socks On Throwdown is not looking good. I've plateaued around 195.5 for a solid month now. I must be getting too many carbs from various stuff that I was avoiding while doing RepairVite (bbq sauce, dressing, etc). I tracked my food for a week on MyFitnessPal, and I was supposedly keeping my carbs under 100 each day, but apparently, I need to be even lower. And right now, it is not helping that I have a bunch of extra frosting in the fridge from helping my daughter's Daisy Scout Troop make gingerbread houses. Frosting is my crack. I should just throw it away, but can't seem to do it... And Thanksgiving coming up will not help's going to be pretty carbolicious between the df/gf stuffing, cranberry sauce, and apple & pumpkin pies I'm making...  

Had another check-up with the doc, and had a body comp analysis done. Since my first appointment with him on 7/13, I've lost 22 pounds (although I've actually lost 25 since starting RepairVite after I put a few more on during my pre-RepairVite binge over the next month). Of that, the report says that only 13 pounds is fat loss, which seems strangely low to me considering the changes in my photos. Another 6 pounds was water loss (almost 3 liters). That makes 19 not sure where the other 3 went...poop??? However, my % of fat-free mass increased by almost 2.5%, so I'd like to interpret that as a 5 pound muscle gain from all my heavy lifting. I was bummed to see that my BMI was still 30.11 though, which still puts me in the obese range (I'm ALMOST almost to the range of only being overweight though!). The report says I still have 36.1% fat, and my ideal is 21.6% fat - wow, I can't imagine what I would look like after losing another 15% bodyfat - I've supposedly only lost 2.4% of body fat so far, although the report says that was 13 pounds of fat...this report is very confusing... Losing another 15% of weight would put me at like 165 pounds. Never imagined I could get that low. Maybe it's really possible...and man, would I be jacked!!!

I had a blood test last week to see if taking the following new supplements for a month made a difference:

  • HemeVite  (increase iron): only 1-2 pills/week
  • Thyro-CNV (increase T3 conversion): 2 pills 2/x day
  • MagneGel (magnesium): apply 1/4 tsp 1x/day

The HemeVite seemed to work - my iron increased to right in the middle of the normal range, so that was good. However, my magnesium barely budged, so now I'm going to double to dose to 2 applications/day. But the Thyro-CNV didn't seem to do anything to increase my total T3, which is still too low at 69 (although I realized the other day that I'd forgotten to include it in my pill box for about a week before my blood test, so I only took it for about 3 weeks - oops). So, instead of continuing with that supplement, he wants to take a different approach since now he's thinking that the issue my be with my pituitary feedback cycle. So, I'm going to take Thyraxis-PT instead, which is supposed to help the pituitary release TSH, and also ArdrenaCalm to help with any increased stress/cortisol issues. So, here's my new supplement list:

  • Current: 
    • AdrenaCalm (adrenal and stress support): 2 pumps 2x/day applied to skin
    • Thyraxis-PT (helps the pituitary release TSH): 2 pills 2x/day
    • MagneGel (magnesium): apply 1/4 tsp 2x/day applied to skin
    • Lecithin (increase cholesterol): 1000g 2x/day
    • HemeVite (increase iron): only 1-2 pills/week 
    • D3 (supports immune system & absorption): 2 drops 2x/day
    • EPA-DHA (Omega 3 fish oil): 2 pills 2/x day
    • B12 (improves energy & digestion): 10 drops (1mg)/day under tongue (have been using GNC B12 instead since I ran out of Strengtia)
    • Strengtia (probiotics): 1 pill 2x/day (have been using GNC Probiotics instead since I ran out of Strengtia)
  • Discontinued:
    • X-FLM (supports TH-2 immune response): 1 pill 2x/day
    • Thyro-CNV (increase T3 conversion): 2 pills 2/x day
    • H-PLR (fights infection in gut) - 1 pill 3x/day (increasing to 2 pills/serving if I can tolerate it)
    • HCL-ProZyme (supports production of hydrochloric acid) - 1 pill 3x/day with meals

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