Saturday, November 2, 2013

Second FitAthlon

Today, Team Human Cones tackled our second FitAthlon. This one was just over 2 months later than our previous first run at it (I did the first one about 2 weeks into my RepairVite program). We all agreed that today's version seemed a little tougher than our previous one - there seemed to be a lot more frequent and longer stretches of running, and a couple nasty new events: namely 3 hikes up & down an incredibly steep hillside carrying a weighted backpack, 2 sets of wind sprints, and monkey bars (which I could not muster up the courage to try). And some of the old nasty events resurfaced too, namely the long stretch of walking lunges. HATE THOSE. We did the "Beginner" level again, just as we did last time - not quite ready for the next level yet! See the list of obstacles at the end of this post.

Over all, I did feel a little better during today's event than last time (as I should after losing 10 pounds and CrossFitting for a month since the last one!). I was able to scale the 8 ft walls a lot better (it helped that it wasn't as wet and slippery), and the 5 ft walls seemed easier too. I finished in about 65 minutes (and burned just shy of 900 calories!). I'd like to think that if I wasn't hanging back a lot for my teammates and did more jogging than walking on the trails, that I could have done it in well under an hour. But, I have to admit that standing around (well, sometimes sitting) and waiting felt pretty good at the moment! My husband and our other guy friend took off and left us girls in the dust. Brian finished about 10 minutes ahead of us, and our other friend was about 10 minutes ahead of Brian. He really hustled. Maybe that will be us next year!

After the race, they threw an after party with a cookout. The initial registration listed it as a bbq with pulled pork and brisket, but, apparently, at some point, they changed their minds about the BBQ part. BOOOOO!!!! So, I had some salad, a burger and a hot dog (sans buns), and passed on the beer/wine and bags of potato chips. The hot dog was SO delicious! Not sure if it was the fact that I hadn't had a hot dog in over 3 months, but it was so good that I had a second one too (along with more salad to keep it healthy - ha!). On the way home, Brian and I stopped at our favorite Mexican place for celebratory margaritas and some chips, guac, and salsa. Then the bartender started talking about how good their ribs were, which just made me crave that missing bbq at lunch even more. So, we grabbed the kids from their grandparents' house, and went right back to the restaurant for ribs (ok, and another margarita). So tasty. I was going to indulge in some fries too, but they were battered. Just as well since I'd already had more than my share of tortilla chips. Need to get back on the lo carb bandwagon tomorrow (especially since my weight loss plateaued this week)... 

While at Brian's folks, my daughter started doing handstands and cartwheels in the yard, which is nothing out of the ordinary. What was extraordinary is that I decided to give them a whirl myself, and didn't die! Although I went a little too far on one handstand and ended up tipping over, ending up in quite the quad stretch on the ground. My knee was not pleased about that. But then I tried another handstand and kept my feet straight up in the air for at last a good 5 seconds - not bad! And after a few tries, my cartwheels were pretty decent too! So how about that?! Pretty sure my mom wasn't doing handstands and cartwheels with me at 38. Love that I'm becoming an active mom!

1. Calisthenics – Squats, push-ups and box jumps/(step ups)
a. Newbie – 20 of each 
b. Beginner – 30 of each
c. Challenger – 40 of each
d. Competitor - 50 of each

2. Run – Trail run – Short maybe ½ mile

3. 8’ Walls - Big walls. No worries you have a rope to help you. You’ve got three walls to climb.

4. Wheel Barrow Push - It sorta looks like a wheel barrel. It’s our version. Push it through grass UPHILL for the designated distance and turn around and come back.

5. Cargo Net - Balance, core and upper body strength will be on display in this obstacle. It’s a simple 8 foot climb across the net. Again and again.

6. Over and Under - Leaping and ducking. Over 2 foot hurdles, Under 3 foot hurdles.

7. Lunges – You’ll be lunging on the beach. The distance varies by level. Guaranteed to make your legs burn. Take a rest if needed but you can only lunge - no walking. Hands must be behind your head as you lunge.

8. Suicide Sprint – If your heart rate wasn’t high enough, this should do the trick. Maybe 100 yds in total.

9. Chain Pulls -30lbs, 100 yards. You must pull it while backpedaling. This will fire up hams and glutes.

10. Tunnels – 2 feet high- Time to hit the ground and get your crawl on.

11. Speed and Agility - Tires,tires, tires. Add some cones, hurdles, hay and ladders. Let’s see how mobile and agile you are.

12. Monkey Bars - 8 feet across. They bars are flexible so don’t panic. You have to grab every bar. Competitors if you fall you must go back to the beginning.

13. Tire Flips - 200lb+ tires. The tires are different sizes but pretty much weigh the same amount. You can do it solo or with help. It doesn’t matter unless you’re a competitor. Competitors must flip the tires solo.
Newbie – 4 flips
Beginner – 6 flips
Challenger – 8 flips
Competitor - 10 flips

14. Pass Through Walls – Not over, not under but you pass through the middle of the walls

15. Transverse Walls - We gotta see you move in different planes. Hope you’ve tried rock climbing. Climb to the end without touching the ground or the top of the wall. Competitors if you fall off you must go back to the beginning.

16. Balance Beams – Let’s see your balance. 4 inches wide and 8 feet long planks. Competitors if you fall off you must go back to the beginning.

17. 5’ Walls - Up and over and over and over and over. There will be help for everyone but the competitors. Watch the video on our Facebook page if you’re not sure how to climb them.

18. Ruck Sack Hills – Time to attack the hill. You’ll be carrying 25lbs on your back.
Newbie – 2 trips up the hill
Beginner – 3 trips up the hill
Challenger – 4 trips up the hill
Competitor - 5 trips up the hill

19. Over and Unders - Leaping and ducking. Over 2 foot hurdles, Under 3 foot hurdles.

20. Run – Beautiful trail run. Back to nature. It’s maybe 1 mile, maybe more.

21. Ropes - 40ft, 2inches. Slam it as hard and as fast as you can for the allotted time. 2 hand slams ALL OUT! 30 seconds! Competitor – 60 seconds.

22. Ladder Climb – 11 Ft. high. Up and over 2x and you’re done.

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