Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Second round of blood lab results: some progress...

I had an appt with my functional practitioner today. I had some blood tests done on Thursday, and was eager to hear the results today to see how much I've progressed since starting the RepairVite. 

Positive changes:
  • signs of inflammation in my gut were less
  • my body is making more T4
  • Vitamin D just made it into the normal range (but should be higher)
Still needs improvement:
  • Still have low T3 conversion
  • Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) was even lower
  • Glucose is even lower (below normal)
  • Cholesterol is even lower (below normal - somewhat shocking considering how much fat I've been eating!)
  • Triglycerides are even lower (below normal)
  • Magnesium was unchanged (below normal)
  • Iron levels were up, but still not quite up to where they should be
  • Still have signs of malabsorption due to low HCl acid in my stomach
So, I got some new supplements to help. My pill box runneth over! I had to do some serious Tetris-ing to get 2 weeks' worth of pills to fit! And that's not including the 2 supps I'm supposed to take with lunch (which I am terrible about remembering to do).

  • New: 
    • Lecithin (increase cholesterol): need to clarify dosage
    • HemeVite (increase iron): only 1-2 pills/week 
    • Thyro-CNV (increase T3 conversion): 2 pills 2/x day
    • D3 (supports immune system & absorption): increase to 2 drops 2x/day
    • MagneGel (magnesium): apply 1/4 tsp 1x/day to skin
  • Continued:
    • X-FLM (supports TH-2 immune response): 1 pill 2x/day
    • Strengtia (probiotics): 1 pill 2x/day
    • EPA-DHA (Omega 3 fish oil): 2 pills 2/x day
    • B12 (improves energy & digestion): 10 drops (1mg)/day under tongue
    • H-PLR (fights infection in gut) - 1 pill 3x/day (increasing to 2 pills/serving if I can tolerate it)
    • HCL-ProZyme (supports production of hydrochloric acid) - 1 pill 3x/day with meals
We were also going to do a body mass reading, but, sadly, the machine wasn't working. I was really curious to see how much actual fat loss I'd had vs water, and if I've gained any muscle in my month of CrossFit. Have to wait until next time. He's having me take another smaller battery of blood tests before that appt to see how my T3 and iron are doing on the new supplements.

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