Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 15 of ClearVite Protocol - THE END!

The end has come! No more mandatory smoothies after today! I made it!

I intended to get up and hop on the elliptical for some low-intensity cardio this morning, but I slept like crap last night thanks to a developing head cold. Stupid changing seasons. So, I ended up shutting off the alarm and finally getting a few more winks in before having to get up for work.

This morning, while packing my lunch that I had already prepped on Monday, a strange thing happened. While looking for something in the fridge, I spied a container of leftover green beans from Sunday night, and was EXCITED that I could add them to my lunch, along with some sugar snap peas! Wow, who knew this girl would be excited about eating extra veggies?!!

Although I'm officially done with the ClearVite program, I still have some shake left over, so I'll probably have a shake as a meal replacement every now and then. By the end, I actually came to enjoy them (just not when I forced to have 3 a day without any meat!). I found the ClearVite program to be harder to stick to than the RepairVite program. I just REALLY missed beef the entire time, and REALLY, REALLY hated going vegetarian for the detox week. It was probably especially harder since I wasn't incorporating any grains because I didn't want to add even MORE carbs. It really limited my options for meals, to the point where all I felt like eating was the shakes themselves, and maybe some fruit for a snack. I just couldn't get into eating servings of veggies without any meat.

However, despite the extra carbs and lack of protein all week, I finally dropped the couple pounds that had been fluctuating (although I feel like I'm a little flabbier). Today, the scale read an even 200. I got very excited when it flashed 199.5! But it wouldn't stick. But I think I'll be there by Friday (especially since I felt like I was peeing like crazy today - I wonder if it was those Beanitos chips not agreeing with me and causing some inflammation since they certainly made me really gassy)! I triumphantly declared to Brian "This is the last time I'll ever see 200 on the scale!" To which he replied, "I think you underestimate the power of ladies' weekend." Hmm, he may have a point. I'll have to fight the urge to check the scale for a good week until my body recovers from alcohol provocation. ;) But I do fully intend to continue avoiding my allergens - I've come too far to go back now! Need to figure out some food to bring... So that brings me to 21.5 pounds in just shy of a month. Not too shabby. I went shopping for some new work tops and a cute top for ladies' weekend since I am definitely getting into a clothing crisis - everything is too big! It's so nice to fit into mere size larges now. Sometimes mediums! I'm in size 14 pants now - I wonder if I will get into a 10. I've never been that small before. I got a cute leather jacket with sleeves that I'm sure would have been too tight previously - my arms almost look thin in it! And when I wandered into the plus size area for a moment, I thought, what am I doing here?! I don't need to be here!!! That makes me happy. 

My last mandatory smoothie!
  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and strawberries
    • 2 links of Applegate Farms sausage
  • Lunch:
    • Whole Foods roast turkey with leftover cauliflower/turnip mash and herb gravy, some sugar snap peas, and green beans with onions
  • Dinner:
    • leftover crock pot balsamic chicken and onions
  • Snacks:
    • banana
    • deli turkey
    • a turkey sausage before bed

Exercise: Rest day

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