Thursday, October 10, 2013


That says it all!!! 
I made it!!! 
Woo hoo!!! 
It's been 13.5 years since I've been in OneDerland! 
Now, to make the necessary lifestyle changes to STAY there!

This day started out really crappy. The slightly sore, scratchy throat I woke up with on Wednesday progressed into a full blown head cold over night. I should have expected it from all the sneezing I did all day. I was only able to sleep until 11pm, and after trying to go back to sleep for 2 hours, my head was pounding so much that I finally gave up and looked through the medicine closet for some pills. It's probably been a year since I've taken any kind of OTC - I prefer to have my body do its thing. But I was dying last night. So, I popped a Mucinex, and I have to say, it worked wonders once it kicked in. My head is no longer pounding, but my throat still hurts and my voice is nearly gone. I ended up staying up all night, got the kids and Brian out the door, called out of work, and then tried going back to bed. However, I only slept 2 hours - that's not enough!!! I hope I really pass out tonight.

Being sick did give me the opportunity to finally try the Kombucha Green Tea that I bought 2 months ago. It seemed to be all the rage with Paleo people, so I got some even though I'm not really a tea drinker, so I never got around to trying it. But it's pretty tasty with a little honey.

I intended to enjoy a tasty Chipotle's carnitas salad with my lunch buddies today to celebrate the beginning of provocation. But, instead, I had some of the pulled pork that Brian made in the slow cooker a couple days ago, with a little BBQ sauce. YUM!

Holy crap, I nearly had a heart attack when I got the mail today. There was an invoice from Genova Diagnostics for the fecal test I had done in August, stating I owed $790!!! I freaked!!! I immediately sent an email to my doctor asking what was going on since he assured me the test would only cost me $79 and my insurance would pick up the rest of the bill. Well, my insurance paid $279 and got an adjustment of $128, and then Genova sent me a bill for the remaining $790! I called Genova, and after waiting on hold forever, I finally spoke to someone who stated that they will send me one more invoice, but then they will not make any attempt to collect the amount due. So I asked "Are you saying that I don't have to pay it?" to which she responded, "I can't say that, however, I can tell you that you'll never hear from us again." So, it appears I'm off the hook for the remaining $790. After I got off the phone, I found that my doctor had already responded to my email, stating that I shouldn't be responsible for any additional fees, and then he even had his office admin call to go over what happened since she said clients have never reported that happening before. Maybe Genova gets lucky and some people with deep wallets just pay it?!! Kind of shady... I hope the doctor's office starts warning clients about this billing process if this is Genova's new process!!! OMG. Heart palpitations. Glad I'm not taking that adrenal test today! I'd be off the charts! 

I toyed with the idea of hitting the 4pm CrossFit class, but for the first time, I did what I promised myself I would not do: made a go/no go decision based on the WOD listed on the site. Today's WOD is 3 rounds of toes to knees, burpees, and 400 meter runs. I am just not up for that. Although I'm bummed that I'm missing out on finding my max push jerk - I would have liked to known that for the Festivus Games. I hope I feel better in the morning so I can get a WOD in before leaving for my trip.

Bottom line - I need to be healthy for my ladies' weekend! This could not be worse timing!!! 

Food: not a banner nutrition day due to my head cold... 
  • Breakfast: 
    • skipped it
  • Lunch:
    • small pile of pulled pork with BBQ
  • Dinner:
    • slightly larger pile of pulled pork with BBQ
    • frozen sugar snap peas (so sweet!)
  • Snacks:

Exercise: Sick day :(

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