Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 10 of ClearVite Protocol

Last night, I dreamed of eating meat. I should not have to dream about eating meat. So over this vegetarian ClearVite program. Sigh. One and a half days to go (throwing in the towel Sunday evening so I can enjoy my Dad's birthday dinner). 

Although I had set my alarm for 5am with the intention of doing some easy time on the elliptical this morning, I woke up at 4 for some reason, and decided to stay in the nice, warm bed and read my book instead. By 6am, I was ready to close my eyes and go back to sleep, snuggled against my little guy. But, alas, no rest for the weary. 

Since my CrossFit box was closed for their big competition today, the coach sent a "home" workout to everyone: every odd minute, run 100 meters; then every even minute, do 10 burpees. Repeat for 20 minutes. NO THANKS!!! Brian tried it and got through 9 rounds in 24 minutes - power to him! I really should voluntarily do burpees to get better, but I just HATE them so... My legs were a little sore from the 150 squats preceding wall ball throws yesterday (not to mention my shoulders), so I decided to take it easy today. I did take a little walk during lunch at work though after eating another incredibly boring and mentally unsatisfying lunch.


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and strawberries
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch:
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, and tropical fruit
    • Leftover veggies sauteed in coconut oil
  • Dinner:
    • ClearVite shake with cocoa powder, coconut milk, dash of coconut sugar, and frozen bananas 
  • Snacks:
    • strawberries
Exercise: rest day

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