Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 7 of ClearVite Protocol; 5th CrossFit workout

Woke up a little hungry this morning, so I grabbed a banana. It was always my go-to pre-workout snack prior to starting these programs, and then I got out of the practice while on the RepairVite regimen since bananas were deemed too high glycemic. But now, it felt weird to have fruit instead of some meat for fuel since I'd been getting accustomed to popping some deli turkey as a snack. Oh, I still miss meat right now.

Had a great WOD today. It was pretty much a repeat of last Tuesday, which the coach said was not by design - Tuesdays are not supposed to be "deadlift days." The warm-ups were different though - some silly calisthenics (Frankensteins, high skipping, backwards running, etc). Then we did some box jumps - I've been both dreading and looking forward to these because that 24" box is intimidating as hell, and I've never tried jumping onto a platform that high (and I tripped on a step in a cardio class once and felt like an idiot). He directed the other girl in the class to jump onto a couple stacked 45# plates, but told me that I could do the 24" box (what faith in me!). So, I took his word for it, took a leap of faith (literally), and did it! Ten times! Toward the end, I was getting a little afraid I was getting tired and would trip and scrape my legs all up, but I made it through. Then we did deadlifts again, and I worked my way up to 205 pounds as my 1 rep max today! Sweet improvement from 165 last week!  I deadlifted more than my body weight!!! He gave me a nice compliment by saying that 200# for a chick is nothing to sneeze at, and then he changed my goal from 300 in a year to 315 in 6 months! I guess he sees some potential. :) He also said I should be aiming for a 7-minute mile. Whew. That seems a lot harder to achieve than 300# deadlift... Then we did 30 pull-ups (I still used a green band a a blue band and had to take a few rests to get through all 30), and then 30 push-ups. He was a stickler for maintaining perfect plank form and getting the chest all the way to the ground, so he had me modify by doing them on a bar mounted on a rack about a foot off the ground instead of on the floor to make it a little easier so that I could focus on form. I still had to take a couple breaks to get through them all.

I felt good today, so I decided to dress up a little for work - actually wear heels instead of my typical Birkenstock sandals or loafers. I got so many compliments both on my cute outfit, and for slimming down so much! That's always nice to hear. :) I can't wait to lose another 15 pounds or so and buy a new wardrobe!

Tonight I had a meeting to enroll my daughter in Daisy Scouts (I even signed up to be a co-leader - craziness!), so I didn't have anything for dinner until 8:30. I'd intended to have my shake and then my leftover veggie stirfry, but it was too late. So, I made a dessert shake of cocoa powder, coconut milk, dash of coconut sugar, and frozen bananas - YUM!!! So creamy!!! Definitely the best one yet!! And I don't even feel bad about the extra calories from the coconut milk since that's all I had for dinner. Need some fat to counterbalance all these carbs I've been eating lately in place of meat!


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, 1/2 banana, and a handful of frozen strawberries & blueberries
  • Lunch:
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk and tropical frozen fruit
    • salad with avocado and coconut oil/EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:
    • ClearVite shake with cocoa powder, coconut milk, dash of coconut sugar, and frozen bananas 
  • Snacks:
    • banana pre-workout
    • 1/2 grapefruit
    • strawberries & blueberries
  • CrossFit - 600 calories today. I was just late enough to miss the butt kicks, and apparently we forgot to do some walking lunges - so sad. 

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