Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Last CrossFit WOD before Festivus!

Busy day today. Should have planned some meals better. 

Got to telecommute, so I was able to catch the noon WOD before getting my kids from their short day of school after putting in my 4 hours of work. Brian did the WOD before work, and said it was a doozy. Last night, I told him I was kind of (reluctantly) hoping for burpees since I really should practice them before Festivus. He said I was in luck! Ugh/yay! The MetCon was a circuit of 10 pull-ups, 10 walking lunges, and then 10 burpees, and then repeat the circuit doing only 9 reps of each, then 8 reps, etc, down to 1. Man, was I beat. I was a class of 1 again today, so I got more personal encouragement from the coach (especially when taking a quick breather)! I was pleased that I was able to do it all without having to rest TOO long between circuits, and I did all the pull-ups using only a green and blue band (ditched the third band I'd been using). That, and I didn't just stay lying on the ground in defeat at the bottom of a burpee ,which did cross my mind. The prescribed weight to hold overhead while doing walking lunges was 25#, but the coach only had me do 15#. Although, in retrospect, I think I could have handled the 25# since my legs really weren't that tired. But I was sucking wind by the end of that WOD! Before doing the MetCon, the coach started teaching me about learning kipping pull-ups. First, I was just pleased that I could hang from the rack for 30 seconds (although I did feel quite a pull through my left forearm after a while). I have a lot of work to do before I can even kip, but I'll keep at it! 

I was feeling pretty beat after 3 WODs in 3 days. Now I get Thursday and Friday off to rest up for Festivus on Saturday, although I might hop on my elliptical each morning for a low-intensity session while I watch the Biggest Loser premier on my DVR. Felt like I was running around a lot today though, adding to my fatigue:

  • walked my daughter to the bus stop
  • up and down the stairs several times while doing 4 loads of laundry downstairs
  • went to CrossFit
  • picked up my son at daycare
  • drove home
  • walked to the bus stop with my son to collect my daughter
  • brought my daughter (and son) to her gymnastics
  • grabbed the kids dinner at McDonalds drivethru (I know, I know...just nuggets and apples though! And I resisted getting myself any fries!)
  • brought my daughter (and son) to her soccer practice (Brian usually does soccer, but had to work really late)
  • brought the kids to see their grampa to wish him happy birthday
  • drove home at 7:30, just in time to give the kids baths before bed

Yeah, now that I write it all out, I can see why I nodded off for an afternoon snooze!!! Ended up just making a shake for a late lunch before running out the door to gymnastics (I would have had time to make a salad or something if I hadn't dozed off with my son while putting him down for a nap...I guess that WOD took a lot out of me!). The plan for dinner was to make some spaghetti squash with meat/veggie sauce, but that didn't happen since Brian worked late and I was out running around all day. So, I ended up scrounging around in the freezer for some food at 8pm. So many dairy/gluten things in there! Have to do some cleaning! Finally found some old taco meat, and decided to treat myself to 2 hard corn tortilla shells too. I won't lie - I missed our old way of serving them with melted Velveeta and Mexican cheese blend on top. But they were still tasty with just salsa. I actually put my food into MyFitnessPal today out of curiosity, and it was a little higher in carbs than I'd like (want to stay under 100) and definitely shy on protein. Totally not concerned about the fat though! Still amazed that I'm not hungry when consistently eating less than 1400 calories/day - I was always starving when I was anywhere below 2000 back when half of the calories came from refined foods including gluten, sugar, and dairy!

Cals 1,269Carbs 118protein 72fat 51fiber 22sodium 1,193

  • Breakfast: 
    • homemade turkey sausage
    • mandarin orange
  • Lunch:
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, coconut milk, coconut sugar, and cocoa powder
  • Dinner:  
    • 2 Ortega taco shells with taco meat and salsa
    • baby carrots
  • Snacks:
    • banana
    • a few grapes

  • CrossFit: longest 17:16 ever.

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