Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 14 of ClearVite Protocol; 8th CrossFit Workout

Only one more day of ClearVite to go! The doc initially wanted me to do the 3-week program, but since I'm going away this weekend, I wouldn't have made the full 3 weeks. So, he said to do the 2-week program instead. So, I'm being an overachiever and sticking it out for one more day. Initially, I was planning to do the detox phase for a couple extra days, but that got real old - not sure I could have hacked it for the length of the 3-week program. And I really wanted some of that roast chicken on Sunday. Looking forward to getting my carbs/protein/fat ratio back in order - I've definitely been eating a lot more carbs on the ClearVite program with all the fruit in the shakes, and that whole not meat allowed thing! Need to get those carbs back under 100 grams. 

It was great to be back at CrossFit this morning after having to take 3 days off during their Beast of the East competition. Had a great WOD today. I really amazed myself by doing 2 sets of 30 box jumps without falling on my face! Mind over matter! After the WOD, I hopped on a rower to see how long it would take me to get to 21 calories for the Sprint! Sprint! Sprint! round of the Festivus Games. It took me 1:20, so together with the burpees and cleans I tried on Sunday, that put me almost exactly at the time limit of 7 minutes. So, it may be possible - just really have to push through with no rest or break for water like I did on Sunday for maybe 10 seconds. I really need to keep practicing the burpees to get more efficient though. Speaking of the Festivus Games, Brian decided to go for it as well, so we're officially signed up!!! Woo hoo!!!

I also placed an order for a quarter grass-fed Black Angus after seeing a flyer from a local farm at the farmer's market. We're going to split it with another CrossFitter, so it will cost about $350/apiece. We'll each end up with "1.5 banana boxes" of various cuts of frozen meat and ground beef - not exactly sure how big a banana box is, but should satisfy our beef cravings for a while. We get to pick it up on 10/30. 


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and strawberries
  • Lunch:
    • Whole Foods roast turkey with leftover cauliflower/turnip mash and herb gravy, and some sugar snap peas
  • Dinner:
    • crockpot balsamic chicken with onions
    • asparagus with onions
  • Snacks:
    • deli turkey
    • grapes

Exercise: 60 mins; 700 cals
  • CrossFit WOD for time; 15 min max - finished in 13:40!
    • 10- Power Snatches at 35 lbs 
    • 20- Pull Ups with green, blue, red bands 
    • 30- Box Jumps at 20 inches 
    • 40- Kettle Bell Swings at 15 lbs (? smallest bell) 
    • 30- Box Jumps at 20 inches 
    • 20- Pull Ups with green, blue, red bands 
    • 10- Power Snatches at 35 lbs

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