Monday, October 14, 2013

On my own: Provocation & CrossFitting

Well, it's been a few days since I finished ClearVite and haven't had any real program to adhere to, other than slowly reintroducing allergens. I'll be honest, I haven't been too good about following the provocation protocol of trying just one allergen 1 day, then going back to the RepairVite diet for the next 2 days while looking for adverse reactions. I reintroduced pork and nightshades (tomatoes and peppers) on Friday, and added in a hamburger and corn tortilla chips (in addition to more pork and nightshades) on Saturday. However, I wasn't overly concerned about them since I'd already reintroduced them when I went to Disney, and didn't feel any adverse reactions. I am also happy to report that provocation of alcohol during my annual girls' weekend away was also success according to the testing I did on Friday and Saturday. ;) However, I was still very careful to avoid dairy & gluten while away, which especially sucked while watching my friends fill their drunken bellies cheesy garlic bread and pizza at midnight Friday, and while making them delicious pork nachos on Saturday (especially cutting up the cheese - so easy to pop some creamy cheese in my mouth!). So, no issues this weekend (well other than what I expect from somewhat excessive alcohol consumption...).

While on our weekend away, I had a lot of fun shopping for clothes to fit my new, slimmer figure. I even bought a clingy dress to wear with tall boots! Never would have worn that before! I found 2 cute t-shirts at the Under Armour outlet. The "Fittest Chick" one caught my eye first since that's my goal here: Fittest by Forty! They were 2 for $25, so I thought the "Beware of fast women" one was another good "goal shirt" - after all, my trainer wants me running 8 minute miles next year, and I'd say I qualify as a "fast woman" by then! When I first saw the shirts, I was disappointed that they didn't come in size large, then had to laugh at myself after realizing that large people probably have no business wearing these messages! So, I tried on the mediums, and to my surprise and pleasure, they actually fit! But they'll fit even better the longer I'm on my journey when reward myself with wearing them in a few months. :) 

After getting back on Sunday, I resolved to get back on track, especially in light of my first competitive CrossFit event on Saturday! Instead of eating all the yummy leftover goodies, I froze the leftover df gf brownies for treats and set aside the leftover candy corn as rewards for my son's potty training efforts at day care. So, just being strictly Paleo right now - more like Whole30 than having the various restrictions of RepairVite and ClearVite. And I decided to get back to CrossFit on Monday since it had been 4 days since I worked out between my head cold and weekend away. Crunch time!

note my daughter's kitty drawing at the bottom
On Monday, I got another personal session at CrossFit since I was the only one who showed up for the 10am class. Which is good, because I brought the kids, and they would have been very distracting if anyone else was there. My son was good - he just sat in a corner with the Kindle and entertained himself, as I'd hoped. But my daughter, the monkey, was very excited about all the things to play with there. Her favorites were the rings, and one set just happened to be low enough that she could jump up and swing on them. The coach commented that she was pretty strong, and I told her the girl is obsessed with monkey bars! She also did some exercises along with me: Frankensteins, high skips, push-ups. The coach was kind enough to go over the squat thrust move again with me in preparation for Festivus - ended up gaving myself my first bruises/scrapes on calves and knees from whacking them with the bar. Guess I need some tall socks! Then we worked on the day's MetCon which was 5 rounds of 10 power cleans alternating with 10 push-ups to be completed in under 12 minutes. I only used 65# instead of the female prescribed 100#, and did the push-ups on my knees (my triceps were on fire!!), but I made it through in 9:43. Would have been longer if the coach wasn't on me about making my rest breaks really short! She was tough! But I was proud of my 9:43 finish (even if it was the easier level 1).

Today was strictly a weight lifting day at CrossFit. After a bunch of warm-ups (one of which was inching your feet up the wall into a handstand while trying to bring your hands closer and closer to the wall several times - ow!). We focused on finding the max overhead squat. It was my first time doing this move. Apparently, I was not squatting low enough since the coach finally rolled a medicine ball under my butt and told me to hit it each time. Wow, that was REALLY low. I felt like a bit of a wuss since I was the only chick today, and only worked up to 65# before the coach told me to drop back to 35# to focus on my squatting, while the other guys were using lots of weight. Oh well. Then I dropped to just 25# and did 5 squats every other minute for 12 minutes. It was so light that it really wasn't that hard, but I still had to focus on squatting so low each time. But apparently it was enough to make my shoulders sore just hours later. The coach advised me and Brian to take Thursday and Friday off in preparation for Festivus on Saturday. So I can't decide if I'll try to go on Wed night so I don't miss 3 workouts in a row, although I already WODed Mon & Tues...

Food (on Tuesday)
  • Breakfast: 
    • homemade turkey sausage
    • apple
  • Lunch:
    • leftover grilled chicken & green beans
  • Dinner: My daughter asked to go to Red Robin. Left my tummy a little grumbly, but nothing serious... 
    • Red Robin A-1 steak burger (no onion rings or cheese, lettuce wrapped)
    • Red Robin fries (only ate half my side order - stuffed!)
  • Snacks:
    • deli turkey
    • raspberries (Sam's Club had organic raspberries - who knew! They tasted even better in mojitos over the weekend though!!! )

Exercise: stopped tracking calories. I know I'm working hard!
  • CrossFit Monday - lifting MetCon that had me sucking wind
  • Crossfit Tuesday - strictly weight lifting

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