Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 9 of ClearVite Protocol; 7th CrossFit workout


Had my third CrossFit workout day in a row today. I normally would have taken Wednesday off, but our box isn't offering classes Fri - Sun this weekend because they're hosting a nation-wide CrossFit competition, and I hated the thought of missing out on a workout later this week. So, since the opportunity presented itself to attend a class at noon yesterday, I took advantage of it. I feel pretty good though - not really sore. Don't think I'll do 3 in a row again though...

Did a couple new things today: first, wall stands! I'd been thinking about trying one at home for a while, but didn't have the confidence to try it. So, when the coach said to try it today, I went for it - and made it! A few times! No problem! Now to focus on doing push-ups while in a hand stand - that could take a little while to perfect... Other first: wall balls. I've seen them doing these on Biggest Loser, and they never looked happy while doing them. Now I know why. The coach insisted we do deep squats before standing a releasing the ball - that really made my heart rate skyrocket after a little while. After doing 150 of them (even if it was only a 10 pound ball), my arms were TIRED. When I went to write my name and metcon time on the board, my first attempt at the "B" in my name just became a weird drooping scribble - I guess my shoulder was pretty fried!!! My second attempt at my name seriously took a lot of focus and determination to write legibly! I was proud to have beaten 3 guys' times (not that I'm supposed to be noticing that). 

Today, I schlepped my salad over to my lunch bunch's favorite burger place and watched them eat DELICIOUS burgers. Sigh. I did indulge in some sweet potato fries though, hoping the oil wasn't too cross contaminated.

Brian's mom prepared a delicious looking version of Swiss steak for dinner. Thankfully, she made a couple veggies on the side, which got me through dinner. I didn't get home until 9 though, so that's when I had my third shale for the day. Ended up being more of a bedtime snack.


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and strawberries
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch:
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and tropical fruit
    • Salad with avocado and coconut oil balsamic vinaigrette
    • Goldburger's fresh sweet potato fries fried in peanut oil
  • Dinner:
    • misc veggies (asparagus, ax beans)
    • cinnamon apples
  • Snacks:
    • strawberries
    • ClearVite shake with cocoa powder, coconut milk, dash of coconut sugar, and frozen bananas 
  • CrossFit - 60 mins = 750 calories...I was working hard today!!!

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