Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 8 of ClearVite Protocol; 6th CrossFit workout

Had the luxury of telecommuting for my half day today, so got to run over for a noon WOD before getting Sarah off the bus (if only I could do this every week!). Ended up with another one-on-one training! Can't beat that for my $10/session! Played a silly fishing game on the rower for a warm-up: like a exercise video game that made you alternate the speed and power at which you row. Then I was excited to do full clean and jerks for the first time today. The whole movement is starting to come together now, and the more I do it, the less I have to think about all the little components. Starting to understand where you really get the power, and how to emphasize that power. The MetCon was a killer (see below). My abs were on fire during the last run, and that was BEFORE the coach told me to sprint the last stretch! Forgot to wear my heart rate monitor today, but I'm sure my burn was through the roof during that MetCon! The coach chastised me for noticing that I had the worst time on the board - I know it's not about that, but I can't help that I'm competitive!

Yesterday, I posted a pic of myself on Facebook and got the nicest compliments and support from so many people! One friend even dug up a picture of me at Halloween last year and made a before/after comparison - wow, what a difference! And I thought I was doing pretty well last year! According to my MyFitnessPal tracking, I'm down 16 pounds since that picture a year ago, but I think I've put on some muscle between then and now too which is making all the difference. And more muscle to come! 

By the time dinnertime rolled around today, I was all done with shakes. I wanted MEAT. I noticed one moment of light-headedness while working out today, and I had a couple more episodes just standing up from a seated position in the late afternoon. I'm not really hungry, but am definitely not eating enough because I don't know what the hell to eat since I don't really want any grains, and fruits and veggies just aren't that filling... I don't know how vegetarians do this... Made some sweet potato fries tonight. But what I really want is MEAT!!!!


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and strawberries
  • Lunch:
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and pumpkin
  • Dinner:
    • ClearVite shake with cocoa powder, coconut milk, dash of coconut sugar, and frozen bananas 
    • 1/2 sweet potato baked into fries
  • Snacks:
    • banana pre-workout
  • CrossFit - my Droid camera wouldn't cooperate to see the whole WOD, but here's the MetCon:
    • 10 clean and jerks 135/95
    • run 200 meters
    • 10 clean and jerks 
    • run 400 meters
    • 10 clean and jerks
    • run 800 meters

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