Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 12 of ClearVite Protocol


As excited as I was to finally be able to have some poultry again, I passed my typical breakfast turkey sausage and decided to remain meat free until dinner to save up for the delicious dinner that Brian was preparing for my Dad's 82nd birthday. And it was worth the wait... 

I went over to the Y again and took a Zumba class to put me in the mood for some potential dancing over my upcoming ladies' weekend. It had been quite a while since I took Zumba - I was crazy for it for a while, but then last summer, I starting having pain and swelling behind my left knee. After seeing 2 doctors who prescribed physical therapy and anti-inflammatories, but not fully resolving the issue, I finally got an MRI that didn't reveal anything. But I'm pretty sure I messed it up in Zumba with all the knee pivoting and whatnot. So, 20 minutes into the class, I felt the familiar twinge of pain, and that was the end of that. Frustrating. Maybe now that my gut is less inflamed, my body can focus on fixing whatever is wrong there. So, I moved on into the gym and practiced my form on more cleans, and then tried the Sprint! Sprint! Sprint! round of the Festivus Games to see how fast I could do it. I got a lot faster on the burpees this time after practicing yesterday and watching some videos on doing burpees more efficiently. I did the 2 rounds of burpees and 9 cleans in less than 5 minutes, leaving a little more than 2 minutes for the 2 rounds on the rower. Need to get a little faster still, but there's hope! I also ran into the trainer that I worked with all year, and of the other girls my my group classes there, and they commented that I looked great. Always nice to hear! :) 

Strangely, after all my bitching about being so sick of ClearVite smoothies, I almost missed having a smoothie for lunch. I was kind of at a loss for what to eat since I'd gotten so accustomed to that routine all week. So, I didn't eat anything before bringing the kids to a birthday party (for the second Sunday in a row). Thankfully, the mom put out a tray of veggies and fruit to snack on, and even some chicken skewers (I broke my self-promise to wait on meat until dinner and had one), so I had a pretty decent lunch there. And then, of course, I served the kids more delicious smelling pizza and cake. Sigh. 

When I got home, I remembered about that tasty guac I'd bought the night before that I hated to see go bad, so I had that as a snack with more Beanitos chips before dinner, and was too full to have the second ClearVite smoothie before dinner. So, only got in one shake today, although I was supposed to have two. In retrospect, should have just had that smoothie for lunch after working out.

Brian made a wonderful dinner for my dad (see below). I took a pic, but it apparently didn't get saved on my crappy phone, so I can't share it, but it tasted even better than it looked anyway. It was basically a repeat of the roast chicken meal he made previously. It was almost a trial run for Thanksgiving, proving that we can have a delicious meal that's gluten and dairy free. Although we did make my dad his own bowl of real mashed potatoes with butter instead of subjecting him to the cauliflower mash (which we actually find delicious). For dessert, Brian tried making an apple crisp using coconut flour and coconut sugar as the topping (we couldn't find any certified gluten-free oats locally). Sadly, the topping was not good. Maybe it would be better with some oats and all mixed with some Earth Balance "butter." Everybody else topped it with some Redi-Whip, but I poured a little coconut milk on top, which I found pretty tasty (after scraping off the topping).

When I announced at one point that the entire meal (aside from Dad's potatoes) was gluten and dairy free, my dad muttered some kind of "Oh" of horror that he was eating such a healthy meal. Gotcha Dad! My sister has had quite the challenge getting him to eat gluten-free dinners with her, but she is sticking to her guns and having so much success with her weight loss journey since banishing gluten! But my dad will NEVER give up his morning ritual of toast and marmalade - quite possibly the WORST way for someone with a mild case of Type II diabetes to start their day. But he is a stubborn old man and will not listen to my rationale behind changing his habits. I guess at 82, you have to enjoy something.


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, some coconut milk, bananas, and strawberries
    • other 1/2 of the pumpkin muffin from the farmer's market
  • Lunch:
    • fruit & veggie platter
    • chicken skewer
  • Dinner:
    • roast chicken and mashed cauliflower/turnips with herb gravy
    • sauteed baby carrots
    • baked green beans
    • homemade applesauce
  • Snacks:
    • rest of the guac with baby carrots and Beanitos chips
    • apple crisp with coconut milk

Exercise: 60 mins; 615 cals
  • 20 minutes of a Zumba class 
  • Part of a CrossFit WOD

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