Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 6 of ClearVite Protocol

Woke up feeling a little more sore today, and got progressively more sore throughout the day. Like sore everywhere: shoulders, lats, triceps, abs, glutes, quads...guess I hit most everything this weekend! DOMS strike again! Yesterday, I toyed with the idea of bringing Josh with me to CrossFit and sitting him down with his beloved Kindle to keep him busy, but I think I was better off taking a break today.

Today is the first day of the detox portion of the ClearVite program. No meat all week. Sigh. This morning I tried putting some cocoa powder in my shake. Meh. It was a little bitter. Maybe I'll try it again with some blueberries to sweeten it up. Or maybe I'll add some of the coconut sugar today and some coconut milk and try that for "dessert" tomorrow.

For lunch, I tried mixing the shake with a different mix of frozen fruit: pineapple, peaches, mango, and strawberries. I added banana too. That was pretty tasty!

For dinner, I tried the pumpkin shake again, but it still wasn't that pumpkin-y. Might have to give up on that one. My stomach was a little unsettled after dinner too. :(


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, 1/2 banana, and 2TB of powdered cocoa
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch:
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk and some frozen tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, peaches, and strawberries)
  • Dinner:
    • ClearVite shake with pumpkin puree and a dash of Allspice
    • baked sweet potato fries (1/2 potato)
    • veggie stir fry
  • Snacks:
    • baby carrots
  • "Rest day" which really meant carting the kids around to their activities, swept and mopped the floors, folded laundry, and chased the kids at their KidFit running class at the Y. No rest for the weary! ;)

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