Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 22 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Three weeks down, just over a week to go! Hopped on the scale today, and it hadn't gone down any since mid-week. So only down a pound this week, for a total of 13.5 pounds so far. But I can definitely still see myself getting leaner.

I hit the gym this morning and resumed my Making the Cut program after taking all of last week off between the gym doing its semi-annual shutdown for cleaning, and resting up before the FitAthlon. Felt really good today though! Powered through it in less than 40 minutes, and still torched 500 calories!

Brian tried making some zucchini chips as a snack for Labor Day cookout with his parents (well, turned out to be a cook-in since it was POURING). He used coconut flour and coconut milk instead of eggs and parmesan cheese, and skipped the almonds...and they came out really dry. Not sure we'll try this again. Unless we try frying them... We had our new stand-by meal of hamburgers with guac on lettuce leaves for lunch, although I caught myself mindlessly picking up the ketchup when it was in front of me! Old habits die hard! Brian's mom made a huge fruit salad to go along with lunch. It was a little tough watching others eating potato salad and potato chips, but we made it through.

For dinner, I just found some leftovers in the fridge, and Brian made some tuna fish with his home-made mayo over salad. I prepped more beef jerky and sausage to cook tomorrow for the week.

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Hamburger with guac on lettuce leaves
    • Fruit salad
  • Dinner:
    • Steak
    • Side salad w/ EVOO and balsamic vinegar
  • Snacks:
    • none - didn't have any snacks today. My doc would not be pleased.


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