Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 21 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

The end of week 3! Getting toward the home stretch!

I am amazed at how NOT sore I am from the FitAthlon! I thought, for sure, I'd be a total cripple all weekend. But my legs and glutes were no more sore than they were from Thursday's short stints of lunges (and I did welll over a hundred on Saturday - lost count). My back was probably my sorest part from hefting myself over all those walls, but even that has mostly subsided today. Amazing. Do I credit this diet? Has the lack of inflammation in my gut helped my muscles recover faster??? I've get plenty of pretty bruises on my arms and legs though!

We didn't really plan anything for lunch today, so we grabbed a chicken breast and sauteed up some chicken stir-fry. I used the julienne peeler to shred the squash, zucchini and carrots - love that little tool! Threw in some sugar snap peas, garlic, onions, cumin, and coconut aminos, and voila! Very tasty.

Brian had a tough time with dinner. He started off making some sweet potato fires (which we've done a million times, even prior to this diet), and somehow time got away from him and they burned. :( But he still whipped up the salmon with mango & avocado salsa, and just added a bunch of broccoli on the side. Still tasty. I'm still on the fence about salmon though. So heavy. I couldn't finish the whole thing.


  • Recovery day from the FitAthlon

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