Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 26 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Another work day. Double blerg. SOOOO looking forward to vacation after next week! Started the day off with another good night of sleep followed by a good workout though.

Took a break from my trusty salad with chicken and avocado today and brought in the leftovers from Wed night's dinner. I've never been much of a leftovers person, but I'm starting to realize that I need to change that attitude. Leftovers are a fabulous way to have a healthy lunch without having to do any additional prep! We'll have to start making even bigger dinners so we'll have more leftovers.

Dinner was DELICIOUS. Brian started a pot roast in the crock pot before work, and when we got home, the house smelled WONDERFUL. Then he whipped up some "mashed potatoes" which was really cauliflower and turnips in the food processor. So creamy and yummy! And very filling! He even made some gravy with some coconut flour (wasn't super thick, but it did the job). We'll definitely have to try this recipe again!

After dinner, I had another social event challenge: a CAbi party at a friend's house. This is the type of party where the hostess brings in racks of very nice, but very pricey clothing in various sizes, and then all the women strip down to their bras and try them on and tell each other how great everything looks on each other. I, for one, wear a cami! I do have to say though, I was pleased at how some of the clothes were fitting my less bloated body. And I was able to avoid the bad snack foods and booze no problem. I think I might have had an entire cucumber that was cut into spears though (but no dip) - it was so sweet! Then I had a handful of grapes that was almost too sweet - I guess my taste buds are adjusting to not having any sugar for almost a month. Another friend is hosting another party next month, so I decided to wait until that party to buy anything in hopes that the clothes will look even better then!



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