Monday, September 23, 2013

Apex Program Phase 2: ClearVite Detox Program

Well, back from vacation, and back to reality. And back to making progress toward my Fittest by Forty!

I was supposed to have an appt with my functional practitioner this afternoon, but I had to cancel it. Thankfully, he'd already given me the ClearVite program information to follow. 
I ordered a can of ClearVite-SF Vanilla through Amazon Prime while on vacation so it would be waiting for me when I got home (but it didn't arrive today! Aaargh!! now I can't start until Wednesday - guess I should have ordered it a day sooner. So much for 2-day shipping.). Yet another pricey supplement! And I'll need 2 cans to get through the program! I'm considering buying a can of chocolate too to change it up a bit, although I can mix the vanilla with various fruits for variety.

I'll be doing a cross between the 2-week and 3-week programs since I'll be heading out for a girls' weekend in only 17.5 days. I'll probably spend a couple extra days in the major detox portion. Back to strict RepairVite-like diet again though, only worse - no beef the entire 18 days, and no meat at all during the major detox portion! I'll have to get the majority of my protein from the shakes. And, no booze again... I'll be going out for a big retirement party on Thursday, so it will be a little sad to not have any drinks with friends, but I'll just have to think ahead for girls' weekend when I'll more than make up for it. ;) I may have to do the ClearVite liver detox program again after that weekend since my liver could probably use another good detoxing by then. ;) So I started back on the RepairVite diet today to get back into the swing of things. I made a little calendar to keep track of the days and how many shakes and food restrictions I have on each day to make it easier to follow.

Brian and I went to our new CrossFit box to sign our membership paperwork. We decided to commit to a 6-month membership to get in on their charter member rate discount. Only $125/month (apiece) for 3 sessions/week - that's only $10/session - bargain!

I took 2 servings of RepairVite today to help undo any damage that may have occurred during vacation. I'll save the last couple scoops for after ladies' weekend.

Food: Just wasn't that hungry this morning, so didn't eat much until dinner

  • Signed up at CrossFit - does that count??? Starting tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. I very much like the way you have provided some extremely useful information about the "Clearvite Detox Program". Thanks for sharing some extremely useful and effective information. By the way let me share my personal experience regarding a product which I recently came across in course of my weight loss journey. The product named "The Red Tea Detox" is said to be extremely beneficial in reducing weight and many people have claimed to have reduced 14 pounds in 14 days. it’s a detox diet that uses a special tea recipe to help accelerate fat loss. That’s really amazing isn’t it?
