Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 25 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Work day. Blerg. Had a good workout beforehand though. I wore a smaller tank top instead of a baggier t-shirt, and can definitely see my arms, waist, and hips leaning out already. Amazing to see how getting rid of the bloat is changing my physique in only 3.5 weeks. The scale bumped up a pound from yesterday, but still down 14.5 pounds.

Brought my trusty salad with chicken for lunch, but went over to Chipotle's with my Paleo buddy and got some guac to go with it while I watched him eat his delicious double pork carnitas salad (no rice or beans, of course). So looking forward to having one of those when I can have pork and nightshades again! Had a nice chat about the Paleo experience - nice to have a friend who's been doing it for a while and has some advice (and can commiserate about not eating cake).

I contacted our new CrossFit to schedule our first workout - exciting! We're going to take a tour of the brand new facility next Monday. We're going to start working out there at the end of September/early October once we get back from Disney (might give ourselves a week to get back on track first though!). We also got our team back together for another FitAthlon on 11/2. Almost 2 whole months to train for it, drop more weight, and get stronger - can't wait to kill it!

Brian's mom came through again with a tasty dinner for us. She's the best! 

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • salad with chicken, EVOO, and Chipotle's guac
  • Dinner:
    • chicken nuggets rolled in shredded coconut and fried in coconut oil
    • baked sweet potato fries
    • green beans
    • salad with avocado & apples served with fresh mandarin lemon dressing - yum!
  • Snacks:
    • deli turkey
    • strawberries & blueberries
    • watermelon


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