Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 30 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut !!!!

Day 30! We made it!!!

Well, I may have had a couple very minor indiscretions here and there, but by and large, I adhered to the super strict RepairVite diet for 30 days, thereby doing Whole30 as well (and Paleo AIP and Wheat Belly). Somewhat bigger indiscretions today though, at least according to my doctor: I had a small couple pieces of bacon for breakfast, and pasture-raised pork chops for dinner <gasp!>. Close enough! I still don't really understand why pork is the only meat that's excluded from my doc's version of RepairVite since it's allowed in this version. Whatever. I'm eating bacon now!

As of this morning, I was down 14.5 pounds since starting the program 30 days ago. Not bad for a month, eh?! I had been down another pound, but it bounced back up. But I'm not complaining. It will come back off again, and more now that my body is finally starting to work right again! On my way to Onederland! I think the ClearVite protocol will give me a little boost - it will be a good way to recover from vacation (not that I really intend to be that bad!). I have learned so much about what has been making my body unhappy. So excited to finally see some results now!

I finally looked at the ingredients of the GI Synergy today, and noticed that it contains Black Walnut extract (hull). This could be bad since I've had a life long allergy to walnuts. When I touch the oils from a walnut, and then touch my eyes or lips, they swell right up. And as soon as I bite one, my mouth tingles and I start salivating like crazy. Nothing a little Benedryl can't fix, but still... I took doses last night and this morning, and didn't feel too worse for the wear...maybe because it's in a powdered form and going straight into my gut. So, I wrote the doc for advice. He said to discontinue it until he can research it more. As the day progressed though, I think I was having an adverse reaction to the walnuts (upset stomach and lots of gas). I finally took a swig of Benedryl to see if it would make my stomach feel better. I definitely feel some inflammation going on.

He also advised me to do the 14-day ClearVite plan instead of the 21-day plan so that I could do it sooner than later. So I'll start that the Tuesday after I get back from Disney since I'm going to see him the day before to buy the shake.

I took a pre-vacation vacation day today (without the kids!) to clean the house and start packing for the trip (and write a couple blog entries!). We made some fresh applesauce from some of the apples we picked over the weekend. Mmmm, soooo yummy. And what better to go with applesauce than pork chops! At least they're pasture raised. Asparagus (with bacon!!!) rounded out the meal. The asparagus was DELICIOUS - I ate all the asparagus first, and then put the onions, bacon, and apple on my pork. Best dinner we've had on this program (maybe because it's pork?)! I am stuffed!

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • stir fry with leftover steak (made enough for leftovers tomorrow)
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • baby carrots
  • Day 22 of Making the Cut ~540 calories - did one of the 2 hill runs, but at only a 10% grade since I haven't run in a while. Hip is finally starting to feel better, and I don't want to kill it again, especially before a vacation where we'll be doing A LOT of walking. Went on the stepper instead of the second hill run - that got my heart rate up JUST FINE.

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