Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 2 of ClearVite Protocol; 2nd CrossFit workout

Slept like a rock again last night. Felt so good. 

Today was another strength-oriented day at CrossFit. Only 3 people in class today, so I got a lot of personal attention from the coach. After doing some warm-up deep air squats (some with a kelltebell) and some shoulder stretches with a PVC pipe, I learned another bad ass lift: hanging power snatch. Just sounds cool, doesn't it?! Took a while to simply learn all the components of the movement while holding a PVC pipe. To demonstrate the power with which I'm supposed to thrust it over my head, he had me actually let go of the pipe and throw it behind me at the top of the movement, which, to me, was a crazy thing to do - I told him I'm not used to making noise when I work out! But he said we better noise at CrossFit! So the bar flew back and hit the wall and made quite the racket! It did help drive the point home though. I eventually progressed to using a baby 15# barbell to feel how it feels with a little weight, which definitely helped me to understand how you have to use force to get the bar up and lock your arms out at the top. Then I even added 2 5# plates - oooh! ;) Then we did a short metcon (metabolic conditioning) of the snatches for 3 sets: 15 reps for time (as fast as I could), then rest 2 minutes, then 10 reps for time, another 2 minutes rest, and then 5 more reps. It was definitely more mentally exhausting that physically - had to keep thinking of how to do every little step throughout the movement to ensure I'm learning good form. I'm looking forward to doing it with some real weight - I will definitely feel bad ass after powering through some of those. ;) I didn't feel like I really worked that hard today, but I was sweating, and my watch said I burned 450 cals, so I guess I did something! I don't expect to be very sore from this workout though. Which is good, because the coach kept taunting us about what's coming our way on Saturday...something about a whole lot of squats...I think it may be this, which kinda looks fun since it's "choreographed" to a song, but is gonna be a killer.

Today I put So Delicious coconut milk in my ClearVite instead of rice milk. I'd bought the box of coconut milk weeks ago, but never opened it. Upon opening it today, I immediately noticed how much thicker it is than rice milk (there's nothing to rice milk - even thinner than skim milk). Unfortunately, after looking at the ingredients later on, I realized that its thickness may be partially from containing carrageenan, which according this this post, is an emulsifier which could case the pores in the intestinal tract to become larger; permitting larger molecules of undigested food to enter the bloodstream (contributing to leaky gut, which is a a big thing I'm trying to fix!). It also contains guar gum, which is derived from a bean, and I'm trying to avoid legumes as well. And it has organic dried cane syrup, which is not ideal (although the unsweetened version does not, but does still have carrageenan and guam gum). Why did I buy this?! So, turns out this isn't the best mixer, which is too bad, because this morning's shake (with some frozen banana slices and ice cubes) was much better - very thick and almost creamy, so I didn't notice the grainy stuff in it so much. It did seem to make my stomach percolate a little an hour later though. I'll have to look for a healthier version of coconut milk - according to this list, they are out there... 

Tonight we had a huge retirement party at work for a director who'd been here forever, and was basically forced to retire after he spoke his mind to his staff about the outsourcing activity that's going to destroy our strong IT organization (which he played a key role in building over many years). This is an event that I normally would go into planning to have several drinks and hit the buffet until I was stuffed, and have a good old time. Obviously, tonight's approach was a very different. Well, a little different. I had resolved not to have any drinks since alcohol is verboten on the ClearVite program. However, throughout the day, my resolve began to waver...and I had a margarita in my hand by 5pm (followed by 3 more throughout the evening, and, actually, I never really got buzzed - go strong liver!). At least they were made with a Ripe Bar Juice, a fresh, lo-cal agave mix instead of some neon yellow, HFCC-filled mix (I'll have to find some of this - pretty tasty). However, I was good about food, despite all of the tasty options on the buffet: I was able to partake of a fresh fruit platter and some carved turkey, which was pretty delicious, and did not seem to be contaminated by any of my allergens since I didn't have any gi issues last night (other than what was caused by the carrageenan). I had to pass up all kinds of delicious apps that were passed around, pasta with alfredo sauce, carved beef, and amazing chocolate dipped cookies which were delicious when they appeared at the last event like this. Oh well, I really didn't miss them too much - I was stuffed from a few slices of turkey. And enjoying my margaritas. Brian guilted me into leaving at 8:30 to help put the kids to bed instead of staying later, so at least I stopped at 4. ;)


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with coconut milk & 1/2 banana
    • 3 Applegate sausages - need to make more of my own!
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch:
    • big salad like yesterday
    • side of guac from Chipotle's
  • Dinner:
    • fresh fruit platter (melons, grapes, blueberries, watermelon)
    • carved turkey
  • Snacks:
    • forgot to eat my snack before leaving for the party
  • 2nd day of CrossFit ~450 cals

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