Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 1 of ClearVite Protocol

I set my alarm last night with intentions of hopping on my elliptical and watching the season premier of Ellen in the morning. But after snoozing twice (which I never do anymore - must have still been really tired from yesterday's crappy night of sleep), I finally got up and decided to take measurements instead. The last set of measurements I took were in May, when I was just 7 pounds heavier (went on a little weight gain roller coaster over the summer). I'm surprised that the measurements didn't change that much since I think I look a lot leaner now after losing so much bloat. However, I think I suck at taking measurements - I'm not 100% confident that I take them in the exact same place every time. Although my waist measurement only went down half an inch (just above my belly button in the thickest part of my waist), supposedly my hips went down 9.5". Can that really be? I do think I have definitely leaned out through my torso and lost most of my muffin top, but 9.5" worth? Who knows. I do know that the scale showed a 2.5 loss since yesterday, which is a little crazy. I don't think I CrossFitted THAT hard. ;)

Speaking of CrossFit, my lower back is a little sore today. However, my legs and butt aren't sore at all, which is where I expected the soreness to be. At first, this worried me since I figured my form must have been bad, but according to some articles I saw online, it's completely normal to feel it in your lower back the next day. My upperback is also a little sore from doing the pull-ups - I love that!! I've never gotten sore using the assisted pull-up machine at the Y, so I obviously worked the muscles differently yesterday. Muscle soreness = progress!

So, I had my first ClearVite shake this morning. Makes me quiver just thinking about it again. Definitely need to find a way to make them taste better if I need to drink like 30 more of them... Very sicky-sweet (especially after avoiding sweets for the past month), and kind of fruity for something that's supposed to be plain vanilla. First, I just tried to shake it up with 8oz of plain rice milk in a covered coffee mug. That did NOT work - it was still incredibly lumpy. So, since we don't have a blender, I dumped it into the kids' little slushie maker (like a Magic Bullet). That mixed it, but it did NOT taste good. Although the lumps are gone, it's a little grainy. So, I added a couple ice cubes and some frozen banana slices to thicken it up a little. That made it taste SLIGHTLY better, but need to try something else tomorrow! Maybe some frozen berries too... Definitely makes me miss the chocolate whey protein shakes I used to make with some frozen bananas, berries, and a dollop of peanut butter...may have to resort to using peanut butter if nothing else works! Oh, never mind, no peanuts allowed in this protocol either. Maybe coconut butter???


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk & 1/2 banana
    • last of some homemade turkey sausage and a Applegate sausage
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch:
    • big salad like yesterday
  • Dinner:
  • Sweet potato hash
  • Snacks:
    • apple
  • rest day

  • X-FLM (supports TH-2 immune response): 1 pill 2x/day
  • Strengtia (probiotics): 1 pill 2x/day
  • EPA-DHA (Omega 3 fish oil): 2 pills 2/x day
  • D3 (supports immune system & absorption): 2 drops 1x/day
  • B12 (improves energy & digestion): 10 drops (1mg)/day

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