Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 28 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Four full weeks down. Only 2 more days to go. Cannot come soon enough. Getting a little bored with the nightshade/pork/egg constraints.

This was my toughest day yet. We threw a birthday party for Josh at our house, complete with pizza from our favorite Greek pizza place, and DELICIOUS cake from Sam's Club (love their cake! Soooo much yummy frosting!!!).  Just having them near by is one thing, but SERVING them to people is something else entirely. It's called TORTURE. For my kids' past couple parties, I'd abandoned store-bought cakes, and made really amazing 3-D cakes that matched their party themes (one shaped like a vacuum for my son's "cleaning" party, and a rainbow layered castle for my daughter's unicorns and rainbows party). I had grand plans to make a treasure chest or pirate ship for my son's pirate party today, but I just couldn't stand the thought of working with all that cake (mmm love batter too) and frosting for so long and never be able to have the tiniest bit of it in the process or afterwards. So, back to store-bought. It was still cute though.

Brian baked up a whole bunch of chicken legs for us and his brother who is lactose intolerant, so, we feasted on chicken legs while everyone else ate pizza. I was ok missing out on pizza, but the cake was KILLING me. I had to work REALLY hard to not lick frosting off my fingers. A while after the cake serving was done, I put my finger in my mouth to pick at something in my teeth and got a tiny taste of frosting that was stuck under my nail. OMG, it was sinfully wonderful. Sigh. The worst part was having the leftover cake in the house all evening. It was calling to me. In the past, I would take a sliver off that cake every time I'd walk by. After the kids got one more piece after dinner, I finally had to put it out in Brian's car for him to bring to work in the morning. Although I have to confess that while I pulled the figurines out of the box that were on the cake, I licked one of them. I'm pathetic.  I think there was a cake crumb in it too. Felt a little guilty about the gluten exposure afterward.

I was SOOO hungry in the evening, which was probably part of my problem with the cake obsession. I was so busy prepping for the party all morning that I never had any breakfast. For lunch, I was so busy hosting that I only ate one chicken leg and a little fruit. So, around 3:30, when the cake was driving me mad, I had a bowl of leftover pot roast with mashed cauliflower. It was not enough. I wanted something sweet, so I had an apple. Still not happy. So, around 7, I had another big bowl of pot roast until I finally felt full, and the cravings decreased a little (maybe just getting that sugar smell out of the house helped too).

I have to say, the thought of life without cake makes me a little sad. I know that's a total emotional attachment to food, but it's simply one of my favorite treats (I also had a sad moment about popovers the other day - they are a Christmas morning tradition in my family, so huge emotional attachment there. I did just find a gluten-free popover recipe though - have to try that). At the moment, my plan is to stay gluten-free until I get my weight and health where I want it to be. I hope that at that point, my gut will be healed a bit, and I can have an occasional gluten-and/or dairy-based treat and not suffer the consequences too badly.

  • Breakfast: 
    • skipped it (my doc would not be pleased)
  • Lunch:
    • chicken leg
    • fruit salad
  • Dinner:
    • leftover pot roast with mashed cauliflower
  • Snacks:
    • more leftover pot roast with mashed cauliflower
    • the smallest, tiniest lick of frosting (shame on me).

  • Prepping and hosting a party! Should have worn my FitBit today - I'm sure I got my 10,000 steps in!

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